Cowboy Christmas [Mikey]

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Where did you even get that?" you sigh as your boyfriend, Michael gallops through the living room on what you guess to be a toy reindeer. "I dunno. The guys just had it," he answers, laughing.

"So this is our Christmas?" you laugh, "Me sitting here and watching you be some sort of reindeer riding cowboy?" "Howdy, partner," Michael says in an awful Texas accent. "That was pathetic," you laugh, shaking your head.

"Why, what a pretty lady," he continues. He dismounts from his reindeer-stick and moves toward you. "Howdy," he greets, tipping an imaginary hat toward you. "Is that the only cowboy word you know?" you giggle. "Y’all," Michael says proudly.

"My, oh my," you say in a far better Texan accent, "What a handsome cowboy." Michael laughs, glad that you’ll play along, and he says, "I’m sheriff Michael." "A sheriff?" you repeat, "I was hoping for a bad boy." "I’m outlaw Michael, the most wanted man this side of the Mississippi," he corrects with a grin. "Well, Michael, what would an outlaw like you want with an innocent damsel like me?" You blink up at him innocently and watch as he eyes you, a smirk on his lips and a glint in his eyes.

"I’m gonna hold ya for ransom," he says, unable to keep a straight face. "Oh, my!" you gasp, biting your lip to keep from laughing. "Now, get on my reindeer. We gotta get goin’," Michael says seriously. "Get on your reindeer?" you repeat, unable to keep from laughing any longer. "Yes, get on my reindeer," Michael confirms, dropping his accent and laughing with you.

"Is that supposed to be sexual?" you ask, clutching your stomach as you double over in laughter. "It wasn’t supposed to be," Michael admits, "But we can take it that route if you’d prefer it."

"I’m not getting on your reindeer in any sense of the word," you say as your laughter subsides, "We have to leave in five minutes for the Hood’s Christmas party." "Well, in that case, I’ll see y’all later," Michael says, grabbing his reindeer and galloping away. You’re shaking your head and laughing when Michael turns back, charging at you and scooping you up in his arms.

"Yeehaw!" he says, making you laugh uncontrollably. "Michael, put me down!" you squeal as he gallops through the room with you flung over his shoulder. Finally he collapses onto the couch and you fall on top of him, both out of breath. "Howdy, partner," he laughs as you sit up, getting off of his lap.

Michael’s hands grab your waist, pulling you back toward him. You give in, straddling Michael’s waist and looking down at him. "I think we can be late to Calum’s," Michael whispers before connecting his lips to your neck.

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