here comes the sun (luke)

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Hello, kids. This is sad as fuck. Lol jk but it's weird science fiction -ellie


Luke's POV:


I was working on my global warming theory when one of my co-workers screeched an "Oh my God!" My curiosity kicked in and I eventually made it over to his workspace. He was vigorously zooming out of his map of Earth with a small tear streaming down his face.

"What's going on?" I question him. He didn't bother to look at me so I repeat what I said.

"This is what's going on," he mumbles, pointing at the sun.

"That's the sun. Didn't we learn about this in first grade?"

"No," he whispers. "Look closer." I squint my eyes to get a better look at the interactive map.

"I see nothing."

"You see that little arch of flames on the surface? Well, that's a solar flare. It's headed our way."

"Solar Flare Inferno?" He nods.

"That was deemed harmless. Isn't it?"

"No. On a scale from one to ten, this is probably a seven." My chest feels as if my ribs have been crushed one by one, each rupture more painful than the last.

"What will be of the Earth after Inferno comes?"

"Nothing. Though it's not a ten, it's heat. God knows we can only stand so much before we perish. It will wipe out everything, whether it's living or not."

"When does it hit?"

"In five hours." The remains of my hypothetical ribs have just been ground into a fine powder. I don't particularly enjoy my life enough to value it like I should, but anyone who knows their death date won't take the news well.

"Why were we not informed of this earlier? Why?"

"Either every other scientist on this earth is dead or they weren't looking for it."

"What's your name?" He doesn't reply, so I begin to jog back to my station but before I fully left, I'm sure I heard the man whisper, "I'll miss you." When I wheeled around to face him, he was gone. What did he mean by that? I've never even seen him before. How would he miss me?


I've been sitting at my desk with my head in my hands, replaying the little scenes in my life that we tend to remember. My mind has become a countdown clock. Five hours left.

I finish up my theory to make me a little happy, even though it won't mean a thing in a few hours.


"Life is such a gift. I loved it. I'll hate dying," I heard another co-worker voice her thoughts.

"No. Life is not a gift, and it never will be. We were given life to waste our lives away on trivial infatuations. There's so many bad things out there that outweigh the good. So many."

Everyone in the room fell silent upon hearing my words. They must think that I'm the Grim Reaper, but that whole outburst was to prove to myself that maybe life isn't all baubles and whistles. Sometimes, acting as if you believe something will eventually lead you to believe it without a doubt.

I spend this hour attempting to believe that life is a stupid infatuation.


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