His Favorite Haiku

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i'm writing a separate fanfic and it's called "this house no longer feels like home" and it's on my other account, louquor. basically, Harry's an aspiring singer/songwriter in a mentally abusive relationship and Louis is the marriage counselor.

so ya. since i've been doing all this on my macbook and my hands hurt, i'm going to make this one short and concise. before you tell me about the 5-7-5 rule, i'd like to tell you that that is the basic rule but there are some exceptions ok. btw, i wrote all of these aND IM SORRY FOR MICHAELS OMG I LOST INSPIRATION -ellie



"But you no longer

love me like you used to because

you love your golf more."


"You are a fucking

Menace to society,

You goddamn asstown."


"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

Fuck fuck fuck fuck tits."


"I see you driving

round town with the girl I love

And I'm like, 'Haiku.'"

5 Seconds of Summer Preferences & Imagines [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now