It Is Ever Enough?[Mikey]

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part 2


The boys and I have been waiting for what feels like hours. The lady at the front desk who spoke to us earlier looked over at us every hour, but didn't say anything. No one came out to ask if anyone was here for Y/N. I called her parents and informed them on the bad news. It broke my heart to hear her mother cry, to tell them that Y/N had been in a car accident. She told me that they would be on the next flight over here as soon as possible. The boys would get up every once in a while to go to the bathroom or find food. I heard them exchange short conversations when the silence felt awkward - no one knew what to say. I sat in silence the entire time, still trying to wrap my head around the situation. I should've ran after her, I shouldn't have let her walk out that door. I shouldn't have acted so stupid. I sat there, in tears, a million thoughts and regrets running through my mind.

I looked up and saw the lady at the front desk talking to a doctor. Her and the doctor looked over in our direction as she pointed. "They're here for her," I heard her say and he nodded before walking over to us. The boys and l immediately stood up and asked how she was doing, if she was alive. "She's okay. For now," the doctor sighed. For now?! He explained to us that the car accident she was in caused some severe injuries and her pulse was so weak by the time she arrived at the hospital. She was in critical condition and the doctors didn't know if she was strong enough to pull through.

"A-Are you telling me that she could die?" My voice cracked as I held back my tears.

The doctor frowned, "I'm sorry. She's very weak at the moment, she's in a coma and it's hard to tell of she'll be able to make it. But we're trying our very best to help her. We're moving her to the ICU. You're welcome to wait there while we move her."

I asked him if we could see her, but he said he could only allow immediate family. I begged him , telling him that her parents were on a flight over here and wouldn't be here for hours. Right now, we were the only ones here for her. He gave me a sympathetic nod and agreed to letting us see her once she was settled in the ICU.

The boys and I waited in the waiting room near the ICU while the doctors moved her.

"Michael." I heard Ashton whisper. I looked up and saw the three of them staring at me. "I know you're really upset and worried right now. But you haven't said much since we got here," he pointed out. "It's kind of worrying us."

I sighed and looked down. "This is all my fault," I let out.

"Mike-" I heard Luke start, but I cut him off.

I looked at them. "No. It is my fault. I shouldn't have started that stupid argument. I shouldn't have let her walk out that door. Because of me, she's here, at the hospital, in a fucking coma. If I stopped her from leaving, she would have never gotten in that car accident." I sighed again, my head in my hands as the tears rolled down my cheeks. "My last words to her weren't even 'I love you.'"

"But you left her that voicemail. Maybe she listened to it." Calum pointed out.

I looked at them again. "I don't know that for sure. And it wasn't even in person." I scoffed. "Instead, one of the last things I told her was that she was annoying and that she should leave... I will never be able to forgive myself."

Almost an hour later, the doctor came out and told us that we could all see her, one at a time. Of course, I was the first to go.

I stood at the end of her bed, a few feet away. I looked at her, unable to control my tears. She had all kinds of wires attached to her body, a breathing tube, scratches on her face, and bandages to cover the deep cuts that were on her arms, along with some bruising. She had a blanket over her, so I couldn't see how bad the rest of her body looked. Not that I would want to. It would only hurt to see the amount of damage there really was. After a couple of minutes, I finally found the strength to move closer to her. But the closer I got, the more my heart ached and the harder I cried. I sat down in a chair beside her. I looked at her as I slowly reached for her hand, placing a light kiss as my own hands were shaking. I stared at her for a while before speaking.

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