Giraffe [Lucas]

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Alex and Video Games.

I have been waiting 7 hours at the record store near my house to finally be able to say hi to 5 seconds of summer. I was behind about 15 people but that was alright because there were about 35 people behind me. You had to get tickets for this in advance and absolutely no one was getting in if they did not have tickets. I checked my purse for my ticket for the billionth time and when I saw it was secure in there, I sealed my purse back  up. 5 more minutes until they open the door and you get placed in your seat for the performance before the boys would take photos with everyone. I took out my phone and opened twitter.

Ashton had posted a sneaky photo of the meet and greet line and I winced. I stuck out like a sore thumb. Out of the 50 people in line, I had to be at lease 1 and a half foot taller then all of them. I felt my stomach drop because it’s not that I ever though I really had a chance with them but even if I did, no guy wants a girl who is the same height or taller then him. The line started to move and I crept forwards with all of the girls until I was shown which seat to take. I was grateful I was on the end because I didn’t want to have to deal with the person behind me complaining that I was blocking their view. 

The boys came out on the little stage that was set up for them and I clapped and cheered along with the other girls in the crowd. We all sang along to every song and laughed when appropriate. I couldn’t shake the smile that was spread across my face. I realized about halfway through ‘Good Girls Are Bad Girls” Luke had looked at me more then once.

*I must be imagining things* I tell myself. *He just happens to be good on stage so he knows to look around to make it seem like he is making a connection with everyone.* I try to ignore my thoughts as I continue to watch the boys play the rest of their set. At the end, everyone was lined up for the meet & greet portion of the day. I took the CD that we were given when we payed for the tickets and stood in line behind the same girls that I was behind for the last 8 hours. When I finally got to the front, I wasn’t totally surprised when Luke didn’t look up right away.

"Hi there" he said as he looked up. I saw his eyes widen a little but not enough to be considered rude.

"Hi" I said shyly. Luke stood up to give me a hug and I felt my world come to a complete stop.He wraps his arms around me and his head rests on my shoulder. I notice the others staring at me and when I let go of Luke I cough awkwardly as I glance at the others who still have their eyes on me.

"We haven’t met many girls our height" he says when he sees what I am looking at.

"Yeah, you don’t have to remind me how weird it is to be a girl this tall" I respond, playing the my hands.

"It’s not weird" he tells me as he signs my CD. He waves his security guard over before he sends it down the line. 

"Keep her over there till we are done please" he tells him and my heart rate speeds up when he smiles at me again.

"Hang out with Jerry till we are done. Wanna meet you properly" he points to Jerry and I shake my head yes before I move over to Michael.

"Hi babe, what’s your name?" Michael asks.

"Y/N" I answer.

"Well, looks like you are a lucky girl" he laughs. "Got the ‘stand aside for Luke’ approval. It’s never happened before" he tells me. I smile as a lump rises in my throat. I have no idea what is going on or what to expect but I feel like I could throw up at any moment. "Calm down" he says when he stands for a hug. With his hair the way it stands, he is just the same height as me and I still feel a little weird. I move down the line towards Ashton and he is all smiles and giggles.

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