First Met 2/4

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You were at the zoo with your littletwo years old sister who is watching the penguins swim."Look! Look! Twere swiwwing!" your little sister said
(if you had no lil' sister just imagine it) "yeah they are cute" a unfamiliar voice said making you jump.

You turn and saw a teenage boy just height as you,with blue eyes,blonde hair and have a lip peircing "hello beautiful" the boy said to you "hi there" you said "how rude am I,my name is Luke.Luke Hemmings" Luke greet you in his hand shaking it gently "(Y/N).(Y/F/N)".


You and your friends were at the carnival enjoying each other company.

"Damn it!,I can't shoot the duck!" you said targeting the plastic duck as a target "may I help you?" a voice said.You turn around seeing a boy with a black hair and almost cute as a puppy."yeah,you may" you said politely as the boy is trying to shoot the duck as the boy shoots it he gave the big and fluppy teddy bear "thank you" you said "no problem and by the way what is your name?" "(Y/N)" "Calum"

Michael and Ashton will be in the next part so please wait...
Love ya guys!

5 Seconds of Summer Preferences & Imagines [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now