You Catch Him With A Groupie #2 (1/4)

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Y'all didn't have any chill when it came to asking me to update omg

So here is the next update.

And this is a v important question. No one answered it in my last chapter but I need to know since you guys are my test group. Would you like me to write a 5SOS fanfic? If so, then what should the theme be and which guy should it be about (or possible boyxboy)? I'm thinking of it starting off with the main character meeting someone in a boxing ring idk man -ellie


"It's 1:52 A.M. and all I seem to do is reminisce about you while lying in my bed. These sheets no longer smell like the comforting smoke I'm used to inhaling. You used to ask me why I called you anything pertaining to smoke; I'd laugh it off and say, 'Because you smell like smoke, dumbass.' But it ran deeper than that. Smoke is dominant. It's overpowering. If enough is present, it can make the skies unclear. You used to tell me that I was your sky and I see why you did. You fogged my better judgement. You cut me off from the rest of the world within walls of the substance. The worst thing about it is that it paints the brilliantly blue sky a certain hue of gray depending on how much is present. Because of you, I am now the deepest gray that has ever been created."


I happily got out of my car and strode to Calum's door. I knocked on his door but no one answered. His car is in the driveway, which means he's home, considering that he never goes anywhere without it. After rapping on the door for a few minutes, I decided to fish for my keys in my purse and open it myself. It didn't take me long before I figured out that something is off.

I smell sex, which is something that shouldn't be going on without me partaking in the activity. He's probably jacking off. However, if he was, then why do I hear female moans? I shake my head at the thought, but as the moans go from being just audio to his name, I realize that he's cheating on me.

The fucking cuntnugget. I turn on my phone and begin to start a LiveStream. Turning the camera to face me (A/N: I know that she could just use front camera, but that's going to be awkward when she films Cal and the groupie ok), I immediately smile. "Hello, 5SOS fans. You know who I am, and soon, the media will too. My so called 'boyfriend' is cheating on me with another girl upstairs in his house right now. Yes, your beloved Calum Hood is not being the most faithful.

"In fact, he's probably more dedicated to that girl than he ever was to me." I let out a dry laugh before continuing. "I'm going to go upstairs and try to film them. You guys get to see how big his dick is before I cut it off. Be grateful, babes. Now I need you to trend something about him being a cheater so everyone knows he is. Go agree in the comments right now as I go up." I look in the comments to see what they've agreed on. It's "#BooYouWhore". Slut shaming is never okay, but the fact that they decided to quote Mean Girls makes me chuckle. Whatever floats their boat.

I stealthily make my way up the stairs and tip-toe to his room. He didn't even close the door so I can easily see them going at it. I choose not to watch them. Instead, I set up my phone in a good area without being caught. In the end, I go back around the corner and film from there. I stop after a good five minutes and turn the camera back to me. "I'm going to stop the porn show. Remember to trend the living shit out of that tag," I mouth before shutting the LiveStream down and getting the hell out of there.


It's been a month since I ruined Calum's life and the band's reputation. Sure enough, the tag was trending for eight days straight. Once their management found out, damage control was put into place, but there was nothing left to be salvaged. Things-sharp things-were thrown towards him on stage. People returned all of their merch. Fans left the fandom and 5SOS. Writers deleted Calum fanfics. I destroyed the mold that management forced them into, and yet no one hates me for it.

I've somehow gained a fanbase-on Kim K, of course. But there are some people who actually see me as their idol because apparently, "I don't take shit from anyone, not even Calum fucking Hood."

My life has been great since I broke up with him. I've already had my time to be numb, and my life-my new life-represents an arrow that only points up.

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