Drunk [Mikey]

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Michael’s P.O.V

Oh God, she’s drunk again, I think, watching (y/n) throw back her head, a loud, throaty cackle escaping her lips, moving her thick, dark hair out of her face and leaving it to cascade down her shoulders. I keep my eyes on her, as she takes another big gulp of her drink, a broad smile stretching over her face. She is always a really happy drunk, loud and also very affectionate. She becomes extremely outgoing and flirty, not unlike her usual self, but in an inebriated state, these behaviors are heightened. She says something to the girl she is talking to, excusing herself presumably, as she starts to stagger away, wobbling dangerously in her high heels. I get up swiftly, supporting her as she walks. Her head whips around until she sees my face, which immediately erupts back into that beaming smile. “MIKEY!” she exclaims joyfully, giving me a hug. “Hey, you alright?” I ask her, holding her elbows to support her and stop her from falling. She is still swaying slightly. “YES! Fantastic! I was just gonna go pee” she tells me openly. Another thing (y/n) does when she gets drunk, is become brutally honest. It’s like her filter of inappropriate thoughts is lifted and she does and says whatever she wants, which often has dire consequences. An example of this would be her kissing a lot of boys. As in a LOT. She has previously confessed to me that more often than not, she doesn’t mean to do it and it never means anything to her. She also admitted that she is worried about being seen as slutty, but I assured her no one thinks that of her. I certainly don’t. The only thing I think of when she kisses other guys is…. Well, how much I wish I could be them. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve listened to (y/n) pour out her heart to me about her boy troubles, and every time it breaks my heart a little more, wishing she could just see that she is worth so much more than the few random hook ups she gets at parties. She is gorgeous, with a sparkling, warm and caring personality. She is always conscious of others and their feelings, often putting everyone else before herself and not even expecting anything in return. “Here, I hold you’re drink ok?” I say to her, carefully manoeuvrings the beverage from her hand, which she only reluctantly gives up. “Take off your heels too, you’ll fall. I’ll watch them for you” I add, nodding towards her feet which look incredibly sore. “Thanks, bub” she smiles, leaning over and kissing me on the cheek, stripping off her heels and continuing her wobbly journey to the bathroom. I sit down on the outside lawn furniture of the party, looking up at the star filled sky. It’s a nice evening for an outdoor party, but it is quite chilly and even the alcohol cursing through my veins isn’t enough to keep me warm. After a while, (y/n) staggers back outside, joining me in the chair, sitting on my lap. “Thanks for being such a good friend” she says, ruffling my hair. I feel condescended, but any type of attention or affection from (y/n) is good enough for me. I lock my arms around her waist and she snuggles into my chest. “Are you cold?” I ask her, rubbing her arms, exposed in her little black dress. They are ice against my touch. “Freezing” she admits. I continue to try and warm her up, relishing the moment, trying to absorb every second of this. I focus on the scent of her hair and her soft skin against mine, the way my hands feel against her waist…… “Do you and your boyfriend need a ride home?” some guy who looks in his early twenties asks. I identify him as one of the party goer’s older brother, William. “He’s not my BOYFRIEND!” (y/n) laughs loudly, her harsh words with the tone that suggests it would be ridiculous to assume we’d ever be a couple targetting me like daggers, causing me to literally flinch. “But I think I need to go, will you take me?” she asks. William nods “Yeah, we have room for one more.” “Are you gonna be okay, Michael?” she asks, turning to me. “Yeah, I got my own ride” I lie, forcing a smile back. “Great! Ok, I’ll see you on Monday at school then! Thanks again for everything” she says, planting another innocent peck on my cheek, before grabbing her shoes from me and joining William and some other people in his jeep. All I can do is watch bitterly and try and numb the heavy, twisted feeling in my stomach by downing the rest of my drink, watching (y/n) drive away from me.

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