He Gets In A Fight For Protecting You

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So Cliche!  ♥♥♥♥*^O^*ツ

Ashton: You lean against a wall, observing all the other drunk teenagers smoking or making out around you and you roll your eyes. This is why you aren’t a fan of parties, but your boyfriend, Ashton, had begged you to come. Now you were alone, Ashton having left you briefly to go find Calum, Michael, and Luke. Soon a tall dark haired boy comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist. “Hey babe, now I know you’re way too hot to be at this party all alone, but I can fix that,” He whispers onto your neck as you smell the alcohol lingering in his warm breath. You turn around, saying harshly, “Actually, you can take your hands off of me because I have a boyfriend and I know he wouldn’t appreciate you touching me.” As you try but miserably fail to get free of the boy’s hold you feel his body pried off of you, only to see an angry Ashton standing beside you. “Did you not hear her tell you to take your hands off?” Ashton spits. “Oh c’mon man she knows she wants it,” the stranger smirks, eyeing you hungrily. You see Ashton swinging his fist and he hits the boy directly in the face, probably leaving a black eye. The boy drunkenly staggers over and falls on the couch as you gasp. “Ashton! That wasn’t necessary!” you half-yell. “He was all over you! You could’ve been hurt!” he quickly defends. You softly smile at the fact that Ashton wanted to protect you and you peck him on the cheek, “Thanks babe, but next time maybe try a less violent approach, huh?” you suggest lightly. “Oh trust me there won’t be a next time. I’m gonna make sure everyone knows you’re mine,” he says with a small grin. You roll your eyes at him and proceed back to the other boys with Ashton’s arm wrapped firmly around your waist.

CalumYou get home later than expected, only having about a half hour to get ready for your boyfriend’s band’s concert. You receive a text from Calum saying, “Your ticket and pass are on the counter! Can’t wait to see youuu :P" After rushing to get ready, you quickly grab your keys and drive to the stadium, excited to see Calum perform for the first time. You arrive at 6:45, meaning you have just enough time to wish the boys luck. You run to the back entrance only to be stopped by a tall, overly buff security guard blocking the open doorway. “Do you honestly expect me to let you in?” he questions. “Um, yeah, actually my boyfriend’s performing. He gave me passes to come backstage,” you smile nervously. “Yeah I bet. Show me the ‘passes’ you have now,” he says, putting quotations over the word “passes". You roll your eyes, and search your bag, only to realize you left the passes at home. You mutter a curse under your breath and start to speak shakily, “No, no, no I swear I had them with me, I think I left them at home. Please, my boyfriend’s name is Cal-“ he cuts you off by yelling, “LEAVE NOW!” He grabs your arm harshly, surely leaving a bruise, and drags you back toward your car. With the mixture of yelling and pushing, you grow overwhelmed and can hardly help the tears that sting your eyes as you cry out. At that moment you see Calum running behind you screaming, “LET GO OF HER!” The security guard ignores him, tugging you harder and you wince. Seeing the pain in your eyes, Calum loses it. He tackles the security guard, wildly throwing punches. You scream, “What are you doing!? He’s twice your size, you idiot!” Calum backs away, his face red and his breathing heavy. Soon the security guard realizes his mistake and quickly apologizes to both of you. He lets you in and you both run backstage. “Babe I’m so sorry! I should’ve wait-“ You cut Calum off with a kiss before saying “I’m fine, now you’re gonna be late for your own show!” He takes one last worried glance at you as you shove him on stage and give an encouraging smile.

Luke: You wait for Luke at your favorite little outdoor cafe, seated at a small table outside. A text fromLuke lights up your phone,  ”Band practice just ended. See u in 5!" You smile to yourself and put your phone away, glancing up to see a guy in his mid-twenties pull out the seat across from you. “Do you need something?” you ask him. “Yeah actually, I was wondering why someone would stand up a pretty girl like you?” he smirks. “My boyfriend didn’t stand me up, he’ll be here soon,” you tell him with a tight smile. He laughs. “C’mon baby, let’s get out of here,” he winks and tugs on your arm. You pull away but he doesn’t let go. Thankfully you see Luke running over to you. “Y/n, what’s going on?” he asks obviously worried. “He won’t leave me alone,” you tell Luke, glancing at the man still occupying Luke’s seat. “I’d advise you to let go of my girlfriend,” Luke states harshly. The man laughs again, “Make me kid.” You see something snap in Luke as he steps back before punching the stranger. Everyone, including Luke, stares in shock. The man gets up quickly, muttering, “Whatever she wasn’t worth it anyway." Luke rushes to your side, hugging you. “Baby are you alright? I’m so sorry that just happened, I got so scar-“ you shush him and smile. “Luke it’s okay. I’m fine, I promise. But, hey, who knew you had a bad boy side. I gotta admit, it’s pretty hot.” you wink at him. He blushes, looking at his feet. “Well it could come out more often,” he jokes, flexing his arms. You roll your eyes. “Woah there, bad boy, that’s enough for one day.” He laughs and you peck his still-red cheek.

Michael: You walk hand in hand with Michael down the busy city streets, shivering lightly in the cold. “You’re cold?” He asks, looking down at you. You nod and he pauses, shrugging off his jacket and handing it to you. As you slide on the jacket you hear a low whistle from behind you and turn to see a man a little older than yourself watching you. “Hey, pretty lady,” he growls, stepping toward you. You look to Michael as he steps in front of you, blocking you from the man’s view. “She’s taken,” Michael informs him menacingly. “What? All night long? I’m sure you could share,” the man says thoughtfully, peering around Michael to see you. “I only need her for a few minutes,” he grins, “I bet she’s wild.” “Don’t talk about my girlfriend that way,” Michael warns, stepping toward the man. “Your girlfriend?” The man repeats with raised eyebrows, “Then tell me, is she as good as she looks?” “That’s it,” Michael mutters before punching the man in the jaw. You clap a hand over your mouth to keep from shouting out as Michael hits the man once more. The man swings his own fist, connecting with Michael’s cheek bone. “Michael!” You squeal as Michael prepares for a third punch. He turns back to you quickly and lowers his fist. “Can we just go?” You ask quietly. Michael must see the tears forming in your eyes and hear your voice shaking as you speak, because his expression instantly softens. “Of course,” he agrees, wrapping his arms tightly around you. He glares once more at the stranger with a now bloody lip before guiding you away. “I’m sorry, baby,” Michael coos, hugging you tightly. “Don’t be sorry,” you tell him, “You didn’t do anything wrong.” “I’m sorry I can’t protect you from everyone all the time,” Michael sighs, looking down at you with concern. “You do a pretty good job,” you laugh, smiling up at him. “But you’re bleeding,” you sigh. He winces as you gently touch his cheek. “It doesn’t hurt,” Michael lies, acting tough. You bite your lip to keep in your giggle, knowing Michael is only trying to impress you.

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