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Ashton- With Ashton on tour constantly and jet setting off to different countries all the time it was very rare that you and Ashton would spend a lot of mornings together, sometimes not seeing each other for months at a time so when you both got to spend them together you’d make the most of it. Your mornings together are often spent cuddling for a few hours and talking about anything and everything, waking up extra early so you could get the most out of your day but still getting time to just lie together. Mornings with Ashton were one of your favourite things because it felt like it was just you and him in the whole world, he would tell you stories from when he was on tour while he played with your hair and you would fill him in on things he had missed while he was away. Often filled with sweet kisses, mornings with Ashton were amazing and not having many, they were never taken for granted.

Calum- Being so used to getting up early from being on tour, Calum was always awake before you but he would only sometimes wake you because he knew how much you loved your sleep. Playing with your hair, tickling you gently or just cuddling were three of the things that Calum liked to do as he waited patiently for you to wake in the morning. It’s very rare of you to wake before Calum but on the days that you do, you’re sure not to wake him just like he doesn’t wake you, especially because for him not to be awake before you must mean he’s exhausted. Calum is always very sweet in the mornings, knowing you’re a bit grumbly when you first wake up. He often smothers you with kisses, doing everything he can to cheer you up like pulling silly faces and making your favourite breakfast foods. Although you weren’t a very big morning person, you loved mornings with Cal because he seriously was the sweetest boyfriend in the world.

Michael- What were mornings with Michael? You and Michael were the deepest sleepers ever, usually waking up at early hours in the afternoon and even then you both struggled to get out of bed. You and Michael often stayed up until early hours in the morning, eating, playing video games and mostly talking. You and Michael loved talking to each other whether it was about something stupid like why the sky is blue or something a bit cheesier like the reasons why you love each other. Everyone always says that you and Michael are perfect for each other because you both love to sleep and never shut up! When it does come to finally sleeping though, you both stay cuddled together, his hands wrapped around you and your head on his chest with your legs intertwined until the moment you wake up. You loved mornings, well afternoons with Michael and he’s the only person you knew who slept the same ridiculous amount of time as you, you both adored sleep especially when you were both tangled together.

Luke- Mornings with Luke were always filled with some type of adventure, whether it was shopping or something crazy like rock climbing, you both loved getting the most out of your day. Luke not always being home because of him touring quite often, you both loved to spend the maximum amount of time together as possible, although there is always a morning every now and then when you both love to just stay in bed and do nothing. Luke often portrays the kind of bad boy in the band but you knew that this was so far from the truth; he was actually the sweetest boy you knew. He always made sure to have all the plans ready for your day before you woke and he always finds the sweetest ways of waking you up like peppering your face with kisses and his favourite way, singing to you. Luke had always loved singing your favourite songs to you from basically the day you met and it was definitely your favourite way to wake up, his voice kind of like your drug. You adore your mornings with Luke, always going on a new adventure and never ever getting bored of your almost perfect, sweet, charming boyfriend.


Thanks for!


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