Help Me! [Lucas]

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this is actually funny...  :D


Your Pov

Me, Luke and the boys went to the farm since it was their vacation, and they wanted to see some cute little piglets, ducks, and other farm animals.

“Luke! are you ready?” I yelled and packed the bags at the back of the car “yeah, wait a minute! ” Luke replied and get in the car “are you guys ready?” Ashton said, I nodded “yep”.

At the Farm

“woah!” Michael cooed “okay we're here! ” I said and the boys excitedly go to the farm,  “hey uncle! ” I greet my uncle and hugged him “hello! I see you brought your friends and your boyfriend? ” My uncle chuckles as he looked over the boys who is amused by the animals

“yeah..uncle where are the geese? ” I ask “in the corner there ” my uncle said.

“Luke come here! I wanna show you something! ” I said “alright what is i- is this a geese?!” Luke said and awed “yeah and you better be careful ...wait DON'T OPEN THE GA- ” Luke open the gate and the geese chase him “FUCK THIS SHIT (Y/N) HELP ME! AHH!  IT HURTS!  THEIR WERE ATTACKING MY LEFT FOOT!- AHH! (Y/N)!!”

Luke screamed,  you were tears of joy and the boys and your uncle were laughing so hard to “okay, okay I'll handle it” my uncle said.

well it's not really that funny... I just share my imagination in my mind..  :)  part 2 of the ‘I'm Sorry.. ’ will be written in no time.

5 Seconds of Summer Preferences & Imagines [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now