Loud [Cal]

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Any pervert there! this is not you think it is :)


You walked out of the room you were sharing with your cousin Luke for the holiday and over heard Calum and Michael talking. “I don’t know Mikey, she is just really loud. I mean, I know that she is practically our family but sometimes I just can’t stand it.” You heard Michael laugh “Cal, we’re louder then she is and I think she is just trying to fit in with us. You have to remember that she has 5 sisters, she doesn’t get the chance to hang out with boys that often.” Calum huffed and you heard enough.Deciding that you weren’t hungry anymore, you walked back into your room and plugged your headphones in. If Calum wanted you to be quiet then you would do just that.

At some point you fell back asleep but you were awakened when you heard the door creek open. You decided to pretend you were still sleeping and heard the footsteps get closer to your bed. “Hey sleepyhead” you heard Ashton whisper. You rolled over and looked to see what he wanted. “Dinner is ready and Luke said that if you didn’t come down that I have to forcibly pick you up and bring you down with me.” You knew he was serious so you just stood and walked with him.

You were quiet all through dinner and only picked at your pizza while the boys talked amongst themselves. You could feel them all glancing at you the whole time and they knew pizza was your favorite food, but no one spoke up. Ashton started to clean the table up and when he got to your plate he just looked at you with sad eyes.

You stood up and brought your own plate to the garbage. “What is the matter with you today? You seem awfully quiet and it is starting to freak me out.” You noticed Calum walk into the room and responded saying, “Some people prefer me that way” as you walked out and up to your room. You locked the door and fell asleep again.

Waking up at 2am you noticed that Luke was not in his bed. “Shit” you mumble while throwing your covers off with a whine. You realized that you locked him out and went on a search to find him to bring him to the room. In your sleepy haze, you stumble into someone. “Sorry” you mumble, not taking the time to see who it was you had hit. “hey (y/n), what are you doing up” you realize the voice before you see the face. “Trying to be quiet and find Luke” you snap. “(Y/N) I” you cut him off with your hand. “I’m not in the mood for this right now Cal. I feel bad enough that I locked Luke out, I don’t need to hear how much anyone else hates me.” You walk away hearing Calum try to reach you, but you keep walking. You found Luke curled up on the love seat. You sigh and lightly shake him awake. “Lukey, I’m sorry that I locked you out. I didn’t think I’d fall asleep agin. Why don’t you come up to the room so you can be comfortable.” He slowly sat up and looked at you. “I want to know why you locked me out,” he whined.

“I didn’t mean to I just - I am having a bad day and I didn’t want to bother anyone, so I figured I could just save everyone the trouble and just lock myself away so no one had to see…or hear me.” He looked you dead in the eyes. “You are not a bother. What the hell are you talking about? I brought you with me for a reason and we were having such a good time. What the hell happened?” You chuckled lightly, “Luke, you are going to get wrinkles if you keep doing that with your eyebrows” “NO!” he said firmly, “I want to know what has you keeping away.

I am not going to sit here and let you think that we all hate you, or that you’re bothering us.” You looked away and down, “I heard Calum telling Mikey that he thinks I am too loud and I know that I can be. It can be unbearable and I just don’t want to ruin the holiday. I just want - I just want everyone to have a good time. You know I like Calum,” you said the last part with a catch in your throat.

“I just, I want to make him happy, so I just stayed quiet.” “CALUM!” Luke shouted. You jumped and yelped, saying, “Luke! Stop it, it’s like 2am, don’t wake everyone up, it’s fine.” “No, it is not fine. I want to know right now, what gives him the right to say that you are loud! He is the loudest one of us all and I absolutely will not stand for him making you uncomfortable for it.” Calum comes around the corner looking grim. You knew that he had heard the whole thing and you shifted uncomfortably, suddenly finding a whole new interest in your hands.

“I didn’t think she would hear it, I’m sorry. I didn’t want Mikey to know that I liked her, that’s why I was avoiding her. I didn’t think she would like me back and I didn’t want to say anything when we were drinking and I…” Calum was cut off by you hitting him in his shoulder. “You are an asshole, you know that? I don’t know how you couldn’t see that I have wanted to be yours forever.” You forgot that Luke was there so when he stood up and said “matchmaker out” you sort of jumped. Calum pulled you into his chest and hugged you.”I am sorry I didn’t see it. Please, please, please forgive me.”

“So you don’t think I am too loud?” You quietly replied. “Not loud enough babe.” You smiled and looked up at him. “Give me a kiss and I will forget all about it.” Calum leaned closer and kissed you gently on the lips. “Does this mean I get to call you my girl?” “Absolutely, but for now let’s sleep. We will tell everyone tomorrow”

5 Seconds of Summer Preferences & Imagines [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now