Protective [Ash]

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(this is a quick note from ellie. so i haven't been on for quite a while bc school, but if you want to read anything i write, it's on my other account musicalviolets. i'm currently writing a larry fanfic where Louis dies and Harry writes one thing about Louis every day and Harry dies bUT Harry the Third finds the journal and it just so happens to describe the Louis Tomlinson IV across the street. i'm really sorry guys. xx. -ellie)

Credits to the owner xx.

After four months of Ashton being away on tour you decided to join him for a few weeks while you had a break from school. You joined the tour at their show in Sydney and you were watching the set from back stage. You loved watching Ashton and the boys and you were dancing and singing along.

"Nice dance moves babe." You turned around and saw a man scanning your body as a crooked smile appeared on his face when he finally looked up and your eyes met. You gave him a disgusted glare and turned around trying to ignore him. He didn't say anything but he stayed behind you and you could feel him staring at you. As uncomfortable as you were you didn't want to cause a scene or miss any of the show so you refrained from dancing anymore and focused on Ashton. A few minutes passed and the boys finished their last song. They all came running off stage and when Ashton got to you he picked you up in his strong arms and spun you around. You giggled as you kissed his sweaty forehead.

"I'll be right back babe I'm going to run to the bathroom." Ashton said as he put you down. You nodded and watched him hurry to the back. You walked over to a table with food and drink to grab a cup of water. You were getting your cup when you felt a hand placed on your back. The hand belonged to the man from earlier. Luke walked up next to you seconds later, firmly grabbed the man's hand and pulled it away from you.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you buddy." Luke said sternly. "This is Ashton's girl. You're lucky I'm the one that caught you and not him. Do yourself a favor and walk away."

"And what are you going to do if I don't?" The man asked still looking at you with a smirk.

"He's not going to do anything but I will." You look to see Ashton standing behind the man.

"Oh am I supposed to be scared? What are you going to do? Hit me?" The man questioned grinning at Ashton.

"If that's what it's going to take for you to leave my girl alone." Ashton's voice was harsh and you could see his hands balling into fists.

"Why don't we ask the lady what she wants?" The man was now looking at you, scanning your body once more.

"I want you to stop harassing me." You answered harshly as you moved past the man to be next to Ashton.

"Whatever, you can have her, she's a bitch anyway." The man said before turning around to walk away. Before he could take a step forward Ashton grabbed his arm, spun him around and slammed his fist into the man's jaw. You gasped and covered your mouth with your hands in shock.

"That was for calling her a bitch." Ashton growled before security rushed over to escort the man out of the stadium.

"Ashton you didn't have to do that, you could've just let him walk away." You said still shaken by what just happened.

"(Y/N) I couldn't let him walk away after what he said about you, no one gets to talk to you like that." Ashton responded as he kissed your forehead and pulled you in to a warm embrace. "I will always protect you baby girl, always."

(I Reached 200 Chapters...So Imma Start The Book 2..See Ya!)

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