He's Jealous At The Puppy

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QOTD (easy):
Would you rather spent a day with Harry or Go adventure with Ashton?




"ohh c'mon (Y/N) you said you will cuddle with me!" Luke said making a puppy face.

"Sorry Lukey but this guy is my cuddler" you said lightly hugging the brown puppy.Luke huff and mumbled "fine.." the rest of the day he makes a silent treatment.


"Hey Calum I'm just going for a walk with Zuzy ok?" (its the name if the dog) you said grabbing Zuzy's leash "but why you said you wanna spend s time with me?" Calum said pouting.

"but Calum the dog never been outside so I'm gonna walk to the park" you said.Calum sign giving one nod.


"are you jealous?" you tease Michael about the you puppy licking your face "no I'm not I just don't wanted that dog licking your face its gross" Michael said making a puke face.You shook your head and said "Its ok I can kiss you anytime" Michael smirk and kiss your cheek.


"Where's the pup Ashton?" you ask looking for your doggy who was hiding somewhere."No,hey (Y/N) van you feed me too?" Ashton said pointing into his mouth you shook your head 'no' and said "you get it to yourself Ash" Ashton grown and mumbled "I've shouldn't buy that damn dog".

One Word
Its a horrible chapter!
>.> <.< v.v ^.^ >.< <.>
Please Please Please Please Please please Please Please

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