You Catch Him With A Groupie (1/4)

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Hii guys. I heard that the police in Ferguson were shut down by higher authorities, and I'm glad.

Also, how would you feel if I wrote a 5SOS fanfic here? Just curious.

Make sure to vote and comment and all that jazz. -ellie

(Quick note: I'm writing this in first person bc it's easier ok)


"I remember watching you smoke for the first time. You breathed the tobacco in haphazardly, empowering it to corrode your lungs every time you brought the killing stick back to your pouty lips. Billows of smoke were exhaled without difficulty as you tapped the cigarette numerous times to rid the thing of ash. This action was repeated until you finally dropped the stub and smashed it under your boots. Then you grabbed your pack out of your pocket to get a new one. I unknowingly watched what you did to girls. You picked out the pack with the most flavor and used each of them contentedly until they became nothing more than a stub for you to drop and destroy. What's most significant to me is how you stomped out the remaining flame with no remorse. I haven't the slightest idea what the flame represents, but whatever it was, you got rid of it because it convenienced you."


"Luke? Luke?" I wearily called as I stepped into the bus. "Baby, I need you to help me with something." Suddenly I hear a snicker. Judging by the tone, it was a male. "Michael, if I'm walking into a fucking prank again-"

"He's not Michael," a nasal voice says as she jumps into the light so I can identify her. She looks fairly young. Is she a groupie? "And I'm Luke's fuck buddy. Who are you?" She points her perfectly-manicured finger in my face.

When her finger was in my face, I knife-hand chopped her neck. She falls to the floor immediately. Now I have to search for her or Luke's phone. I need to not only find the evidence, but I'm going to broadcast it to the world.

Kneeling on the floor, I turn her over to reach in the back pocket of her denim. Luckily, her phone is there. It lights up in front of my eyes. She's still texting Luke. All I see are her nudes and him responding with his own. I screenshot everything and send it to my phone before I discover two videos sent to Luke. My mind is telling me to click one of them, but my heart is telling me that I've found enough evidence.

My mind won. I click the video and turn the volume up but later realize that it's better with the volume down. I found a sex tape that shows her and Luke's face clearly. I send both tapes to my phone before smashing the girl's. The loud noise elicits a scream from another room, followed by heavy footsteps. It's Luke.

"Babe, I'm ready to tape the ne- Holy shit, Y/N. I didn't expect you here," he nervously says while scratching the back of his neck.

"I didn't expect her here either."

"Look, I can explain. We-"

"Shut the hell up. There's nothing to explain. I've seen everything. And now you can be pretty sure that I'm going to ruin your life with the information I have."

His pupils dilate. "No. Please don't, Y/N." I sprint out of the bus before he can convince me otherwise. The first thing I do while casually jogging is upload those videos to Tumblr and 15-second clips on Instagram. The cheating bitch is going to pay for leading me on and then making me feel numb. They say not to fight fire with fire, but when all you see is red, how can you resist?

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