You're Pissed (1/4 oops)

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This is for lilac_michael. This is also very sucky. -ellie


"Come on, Y/N. Smile," Mike says after repeatedly poking your cheek. He didn't like it when you had to study long periods of time.

"I'll fucking shove that smirk in your ass if you touch me again. Actually, no. You might enjoy that. I'll stick it up your pussy. I mean, you are one so it's pretty fitting."

"That's hurtful-"

"Fucking do a shut up."

"I just came here to have a good time and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now."

"I told you to shut up, you bubblegum, Mickey Mouse-looking nutsuck." (A/N: If you haven't seen this episode of World's Dumbest [or Top Funniest idk] then each reEd equal 1 preyer)

"You're so out of reach, and it's getting me down but you make me feel-" he attempts to sing.

"Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Goddamn, son."

"Hey. Don't use our Lord's name in vain."

"Says the person who moans that specific word whenever I suck you off."

Michael's lips curl up slightly. "Well, you feel so good around me that I have to tell the Holy Ghost about my experience. It's like baptism for my dick."

"Why, thank you, mister," you roll your eyes.

"Mister. Sir. Hmm. We should try that in bed."

"You know what I'd like in bed? Actually, I want two things," you purr as you stroke his arm. "I want for you to have a dick that can actually pleasure me and that fucking sandwich I asked for twenty minutes ago."

He places his hand on his heart. "That's fucking hurtful."

"So is my stomach because you can't make me a sandwich."

"Alright. I'll make the goddess a sandwich," Michael groans as he stands up to walk to the kitchen.

"Now that's something I'd like to hear in bed. I can hear you moaning that."

"Aw, shut up," he calls from another room.

"Excuse me, ketchup pre-cum."

"I heard that."

"Well, I don't hear my ham sizzling. You better work, bitch."

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