You Got Your Wisdom Tooth Out

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“Luca!  Luca!” you giggle non-stop as you poke his cheek making him smile “yes?” he said and he turn his head meeting your face “I-I was w-wodering ...why do y-you have a b-banana?” I ask innocently “a banana? well... we males had it when we are born” Luke chuckles nervously

“but why did your b-banana goes up?”


“I'M NOT GONNA LEAVE! NEVAR!! ” You shouted grabbing the chair through the dentist room “I'm realty sorry about her...” Michael laugh and gently grab your arm “I'M NOT GONNA LEAVE! YOU GREEN HAIRED MAN! HELP IT'S SHREK!  AHH! I'M NOT FIONA! ” you shouted tightly gripping the chair.

“I'll give you a chocolate cake”


5 Seconds of Summer Preferences & Imagines [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now