You Surprise Him On Tour

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Michael: You snuck onto the tour bus, with help from the boys and Liz obviously. The boys had managed to get Michael to leave his bunk long enough to go and get some food before your scheduled Skype date. And Liz had texted you when they were gone and also cleared you with security. Luke quickly texted his mum when they were 5 minutes away giving you enough time to hide your bags in the other boys bunks and sneak into Michaels. You almost gave the game away by giggling when you heard Michael stomp onto the tour bus moaning about how he was 5 minutes late for your Skype date. You were hidden right next to wall on your back and covered yourself with the duvet and his teddies so he wouldn’t see you until he pulled back the quilt. You heard the curtain to his bunk slide open and he fired up his laptop. He pulled back the quilt without noticing you at first, his attention still on his laptop as he logged into Skype. Just as he was about to sit down you caught his eye and with a shouted ‘Oh my god!’ He attacked you with a hug while you giggled and the boys clapped around your bunk. ‘You knew?’ He asked the boys and they all laughed while nodding. He made a pouty face before telling them to get lost and pulling the curtain back across so you could cuddle together. But not before a shout from Calum of ‘save the sex for after the show. You know what it does to your legs Mike.” Making the other boys laugh.

Calum: You surprised him at dinner. It was his birthday and the boys had arranged to take him out for dinner to celebrate before the show. Calum thought you were probably doing something normal at home but you were actually in the same hotel getting ready for the meal as well. Just on a different floor. You had managed to get 2 weeks off of work/school so that you could finish the tour with the boys but you hadn’t told him that and so you had to keep your travel info on the down-low. You did bump into a fan in the airport but she swore she would keep the photo and secret safe until after tonight’s show. You arrived at the restaurant with Liz about 20 minutes before the lads so you could set up the decorations on the table. The boys arrived and you hid in a room just around the corner. 5 minutes later your phone vibrated, a text from Ashton saying it was time. You peered around the corner. Calum was sat reading a menu with his back to you so you could sneak up on him. You gave him the thumbs up and Luke started talking and handed him an envelope. You stood behind Calum and saw they had written ‘Calum’s Present’ on the front of it. He turned it over and opened it to see a small piece of card with the words ‘Turn Around’ written on it. He gave the boys a weird look with a smirk on his face and slowly turned his body around to see you. The look of shock on his face made you laugh as he jumped up from his chair and picked you up swinging you round in circles. Echoes of the boys laughter in the background.

Luke: You had managed to get into the show as low-key as possible. A couple of fans had noticed you and you took photos with them happily. They said what you were doing was sweet but they promised not to post anything on twitter. You hoped that Luke hadn’t noticed you stood in the crowd a few rows from the front as every time he looked in your area you’d manage to hide behind someone or their poster. But that dash of hope was soon vanished when they started to sing your favourite song. You started to sing and dance along and the boys were rocking the stage. You loved seeing ‘Stage Luke’ as he seemed to forget about everything that bothers him and have a good time. Just before the end of the song he stood by his microphone, strumming on the guitar, he looked up momentarily before he was supposed to sing and his eyes locked on you. He continued strumming but his mouth was still agape and his missed his cue, coming in a few words too late but his eyes still fixed on you. You smirked at him and winking while waving making him shake his head and laugh to himself. After the song finished he took to the microphone.

“HI guys, so I just want to say I didn’t forget the words_” He was cut off by the other boys laughing and he laughed at the crowds reaction. “What actually happened was that I got shocked because I thought I was going insane.” He said laughing into the microphone and scanning the audience. “Because I thought that my lovely girlfriend Y/N was sat at home probably doing something productive when actually she’s stood right there.” He said pointing at you and everyone screamed. “And I was so happy to see her that I forgot to sing.” He said and everyone in the crowd awe’d. “Actually guys can you clear a path for her cause I wanna bring her up on stage and give her a hug cause I’ve missed her.” He said and they obliged thankfully. Luke placed a kiss on your forehead when he got you up on stage and chuckled when you whispered ‘surprise’ in his ear.

Ashton: You surprised him after the show. You, like so many other girls, had waited outside. The girls around you knew who you were and talked to you but after telling them you were going to surprise Ash they awed and agreed not to say anything to him when they met them. You just hoped that they wouldn’t be too much longer as you were freezing and you actually hoped that they’d meet fans otherwise your surprise would be a fail. You got a text from Michael asking where you were and you told him what you’d planned. About 10 minutes later they all emerged and started to meet the fans gathered around. You smiled as you saw Ashton getting closer to you. The girls gave you a smirk over their shoulder and you smirked back as they all got hugs and pictures. A few giving you their twitter names. When he was distracted enough you managed to stand beside him.

“Can I get a photo Ash?” You asked with a smirk on your face.

“Course you can just give me a moment.” He said as he finished signing a girls poster and looked up to meet your eyes. “What!?” He asked making everyone around laugh.

“Surprise!” You said doing jazz hands and he threw his arms around you and pulled you into his chest while laughing. The vibrations running through your body. You heard the girls around you giggle and saw a few flashes off cameras and a few hours later pictures of Ashton enveloping you into a hug with the biggest grin on his face were splashed all over twitter.

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