First Fight

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Luke had been lazy all day,he even made you clean up all the house.

"(y/n) will you get my shirt?" Luke ask just sitting there doing nothing "how about you get?!" you said angrily walking towards him "You are just being a bitch!" Luke yelled at you made your heart broke into pieces when he called you a bitch "Me a bitch?! how about you a lazy arse Grow up Luke!!" you yelled "Your just so...URGH! I'm leaving fuck you Luke fuck you!" you added and leave Luke.


You and Michael were walking at the park when a group of fans sees Michael.

Michael sign there photographs when a two girls talk to you "Hey (y/n)" the fan said "hi.." you said "how's yours and Michael's relationship?" the fan ask "well we have be-" you were cut off by the fan "oh I forgot why did I even ask you a question You're just a bitch! Michael didn't even love you! he's just using you slut!" the fan raise its voice making Michael turn but ignore the fun he didn't even defend you.


Calum have been distant a to you since he came back from tour he didn't even show his love at you.

"Hi babe" Calum said as he came back from the club "hi.." you said coldly "what's wrong?" Calum ask "What's wrong?! You Calum You!! You are the problem here!" you yelled "me,what about me?!" Calum yelled "You have been distant,you have been out with your friend for this week you didn't even spend time with me!" you said you were crying right now "babe I'm sorry i-" he was cut off you leaving the apartment.


"I'm So sorry!" you pleaded at Ashton "NO! NO! YOU BROKE IT! IT WAS SPECIAL TO ME!!" Ashton yelled at you because you broke his first drum stick.It was given by his grandma "I'm sorry Ashton!" you said "No! Get Out!" Ashton said "w-what?!" "I SAID GET OUT!" Ashton yelled and after that you leave.

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