Make Up (Calum Hood)

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Your all have been waiting for
(probably )

I present to you....

Calum Hood!

(y/d/n) -your dad's name
(y/m/n) -your mother's name


You quickly made to your parents' house and knock “(y/n)?" your mother said “hi mom" you quietly said and hug her “oh honey have you been crying? " your mom said and you nod “come on let's get you inside " your mom said and lead you to the living room.

“baby girl..who did this to you?" your dad said “it's just a little fight daddy,  don't worry" you said and w III ed your tears “don't worry?, he hurt you!  he even broke his promise for not doing anything stupid to you!" your dad angrily said “now, now (y/d/n) they are just hot a little argument okay? calm down" your mom said just as you are going to say something , a knock was on a door “I'll get it" your dad said.

“Why are you here?" your dad said and glare at Calum who was looking at the ground “I-I came to a-apologize to your daughter s-sir " Calum said as you look at him “apologize?!  you hurt my daughter! " your dad roared in anger “daddy,  it's okay I'll talk to him" you quietly said,  your dad sign and kiss your forehead “alright..  be careful" your dad said and you nod.

“so.. what do you wanna talk about? " you said to him as he plays with his fingers “I didn't m-mean to hurt your feelings (y/n) , I was just- just look" Calum said and kneeled down,  you widened your eyes as he shows the little red velvet box on his right hand “me and the boys were planning for a party to you and well... choose a ring.. I'm sorry for everything I did that was mistake.  I love you forever as we lived on the future,  and lived in peace... (y/n) will please be my wife?" as Calum finished the speech,  you said “well you said please" Calum rolled his eyes playfully “yes!" you said and kiss his lips passionately “well look at them they are so cute " your mom's voice said. So great.

5 Seconds of Summer Preferences & Imagines [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now