Unsaid [Ash]

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You shift your weight from one leg to another, swaying slightly in nervous anticipation as you stand in front of the airport, antsily watching the automatic doors. It’s been 6 months since the boys have left on their world tour. 6 long, never ending months. Sure, you skyped and face timed them and they message you regularly with updates, but it just isn’t the same. This is also due to the fact that there has been something you’ve been dying to tell the boys, even since before they left. Well, only one boy actually. Ashton Irwin, one of your four best friends, but also crush of many years. It was subtle in the beginning, just small waves of affection that you felt towards him. However, with time, this affection grew into a full blown secret love you harboured for him, but never quite knew how to express. Afterall, you hadn’t heard of many cases in which either party of the “friendzone” ever entered the “more than friendzone” successfully. Except prehaps in stories, but those aren’t real life. What if you blew everything? So, you kept your feelings very much under wraps, not breathing a word of it to anyone. Then however, things changed. You still recall in great detail the night Calum, Michael, Luke and Ashton all came over to your house, sat you down and explained to you that they had recieved the oppertunity to go on tour with One Direction. Of course, you were thrilled for them, but you later realised this meant you wouldn’t be seeing them for a very long time, and by them, you mainly meant Ashton. You then promised yourself you’d confess your feelings to Ashton before he’d leave, hoping for some kind of epic miracle in the form of him returning your love and taking you with the on tour and it would be the most fun and adventorous time of your life. Of course, as you can imagine, this didn’t happen. You chickened out of telling Ash, coming up with new excuses every time the time seemed right. So instead, over all this time that the boys have gone, you have carefully built up the courage to tell Ashton the truth. You are going to do it. No chickening out this time.

You rub your hands together, still jiggling around on the spot, earning some strange looks from passing strangers, but you are too focused on the doors to pay any attention to them. Finally, you hear all too familiar, slightly girly giggling, and you see a tall, black haired teen in the form of Calum Hood bursting through the doors, followed by a skunk haired Michael, then Luke rolling his eyes and finally, Ashton. Your breath catches for a moment, your heart beating furiously with excitement. “Y/N!” Michael exclaims, spotting you, running towards you and picking you up, embracing you in a massive bear hug. “MY TURN!” Calum insists, swooping you up as well, hugging you so hard you can barely breathe. “We missed you SO MUCH!” he informs you before putting you down. “Not as much as I missed you guys” you smile, hugging Luke now. “ASH! COME ON, (y/n) is here!” Calum calls Ashton over, who keeps looking over his shoulder . “Hang on, i’m just waiting for…. Ahh here she comes!” he  smiles. She? What? You are confused for a moment, until you see a tall, gorgeous girl walk through the door, joining Ashton. She is absolutely breath-taking; tall, blonde and effortlessly beautiful, even after a long flight. She wears a big, genuine and sweet looking grin as Ashton puts his arms around her and she nuzzles into his neck. You feel a gut wrenching, impaling sensation, as your body seems to freeze over in horror. “(Y/n)!” he exclaims happily, hugging your rigid body. “Who is this?” you manage to get out. “This is my girlfriend, Kaylee” he introduces the girl. “Hi! You must be (y/n)! I have heard so much about you, these boys never shut up about you!” she laughs, kissing you on both cheeks. Shit. So apparently she is super friendly and nice too. “How…. When did this happen?” you ask breathlessly, baffled and taken off guard, the sinking in your stomach continuing and a dull, throbbing pain in your heart becoming more and more apparent. “She is the daughter of our tour manager, and she lives here in Sydney too! Isn’t that a crazy coincident?” Ashton beams. “Yeah. Crazy” you reply weakly. “You can tell her more about your boring love life later, I want to tell (y/n) about the tour first! Literally, you have NO IDEA the stuff we got up to!” Michael interrupts Ashton. He begins to talk and laugh but you hear nothing. You stare with disbelief at the boy you love, holding hands with another girl. She looks up at him, affection in her eyes, which is mirrored in his too. This is officially the most pain you have ever been in, you then realise, as your heart slowly breaks into tiny pieces.

Part 2?

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