You Were A Bet

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This is different from “He Breaks Up Just For A Dare”


Michael: “These girls are crazy,” Calum stated in awe, looking out his hotel window at the crowd of girls hoping to meet 5 Seconds of Summer. “I dunno,” Michael countered, “It’s not that weird to wait to meet your favorite band. I think it’s kinda cute.” “Kinda cute?” Calum repeated, “Knowing everything about you and talking about you on the internet for hours is kinda cute?” Michael shrugged weakly. “If you really knew all the things they said you wouldn’t think it’s kinda cute.” “So you’d never date a fan?” Michael asked Calum. “Not a crazy fangirl,” Calum answered easily. “Luke and Ashton!” Michael called out, drawing them toward where he and Calum sat by the window, “Would you ever date a fan? Like, one of those girls down there.” He pointed out the window at the girls. “Maybe,” Ashton answered thoughtfully, “But it’d be hard.” “Agreed,” Luke stated. “I think I would,” Michael decided thoughtfully. “There’s no way you could have a long term relationship with a fan,” Calum persisted. “Maybe I could!” Michael argued, not liking Calum telling him what he can and cannot do.

“I bet you couldn’t,” Calum stated. “Let’s make things interesting,” Ashton suggested, “We’ll go down to where those fans are, and you have to ask one out. If in a year you’re still together, we’ll each give you a hundred bucks.” “But if you break up, you have to give us each a hundred bucks,” Luke added. “Fine,” Michael agreed, never backing down from a challenge, “You’re on.” 

Calum: “Y/n has gotten so hot,” Michael whispered as he and his band mates observed you, their childhood friend, in your big dance competition. “I called dibs,” Calum reminded them. “She’d never sleep with you,” Ashton countered with a frown. “I bet she would,” Calum insisted, “If I play my cards right.” “You’re on,” Ashton declared. “On what?” Calum inquired, confused. “I bet you can’t get Y/n to sleep with you, and if I’m right then - then you have to do a show in your underwear.” “Alright,” Calum chuckled, “But if she does then you have to do a show in your underwear.” “There needs to be a time limit,” Michael interjected. “Okay, until the next tour starts,” Ashton proposed, “That’s three months.” “Deal,” Calum grinned, shaking Ashton’s hand.

Luke kept quiet throughout the entire exchange. Being the closest with you, he was the only one who knew you had feelings for Calum. “I don’t know if this is a good idea,” he spoke up finally, “Someone could get hurt.” “Relax,” Calum chuckled, “I know what I’m doing.” 

Luke: “You have no game,” Calum decided, shaking his head. “I do, too!” Luke protested. “Calum’s right,” Michael agreed. “I have game!” Luke argued, “I could get any girl in this bar to go out with me if I wanted.” “Okay,” Calum began, “Then go talk to that girl over there.” He nodded toward you as you sat at the bar flirting lightly with the bartender. “She’s already interested in that guy,” Luke pointed out with a frown. “She’s just bored,” Calum countered, “Go talk to her, unless you don’t think you can.” “Oh, I can,” Luke assured his friend.

“If you can get her to go home with you I’ll give you fifty bucks,” Calum offered. “She’s worth more than fifty bucks,” Luke decided. “Fifty bucks from each of us then,” Ashton interjected. “Okay,” Luke said thoughtfully, “And you have to stop making fun of my game.” “Deal,” his three friends stated in unison. Luke got up, checking his hair in the window’s reflection before making his way to the bar. 

Ashton: Being a famous singer and one half of 2014’s most talked-about couple, there weren’t many places you could go without causing a stir. The award show you attended alone a month after your very public break with your cheating ex-boyfriend was no different. Being your first public appearance since the scandal, you felt eyes on you the entire night. Eight of those eyes belonged to 5 Seconds of Summer. “I can’t believe Y/N Y/L/N is here,” Calum whispered, although your table was well out of earshot. “Poor girl,” Luke sighed,

“She’s amazing and she has to deal with all this awful press.” “She looks great, though,” Michael offered. “Do you think it’s too early to ask her out?” Ashton inquired. “You seriously want to date her right now?” Michael questioned in surprise. “Of course,” Ashton insisted, “Look at her!” “But think about what she’s been through,” Calum pointed out, “There’s no way she’d trust another guy right now. She’d want to take things painfully slow.” “I think I could treat her right,” Ashton decided with a shrug. “Prove it,” Calum challenged. Seeing Ashton’s questioning look, Calum explained, “Go out with Y/n, and if you can get her to sleep with you in the first two months, you win.” “What do I win?” Ashton clarified skeptically. “A hundred bucks,” Calum offered with a shrug. “Fine,” Ashton agreed, “It’ll be easy.”

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