summertime sadness (calum)

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SCHool's back for me (it's been three weeks) and I already have several papers which is why I haven't been updating. Anyway, this is a dirty ass imagine bc why not yanno

This is my fetus writing btw so sorry if it's bad



"Come on, Y/N!"

"No. I wanna stay here and wallow in my sadness."

"Nope. Ever since Calum left for tour, you've been depressed. I understand that you miss him, but you need to have some fun. You can die from depression, you know."

"Fuck you. What I do with my life doesn't concern you." I spit.

Jasmine smiles. "I'm getting my Y/N back! You're a practical asshole again."

"Shut up, Jasmine. Where do you wanna go?"

"The club, duh. Just to dance. You don't have to drink."


"You're going to put on a dress, too." Ugh. She knows how much I despise dresses and the whole fucking concept of them.

"No. No fucking way."

"I'll say things that infuriate you."

"Don't you dare or I will-"

"The matriarchy is better than the patriarchy any day." I don't reply. It'd be better if I didn't.

"No, Jasmine. No."

"Then do you want me to tell them about the time when you-"

"No! I'll just wear the damn dress."

"Fuck yeah," Jasmine screeches in Jake Bass's accent. She disappears and returns with an assorted array of dresses. She sets them down on the bed for me to choose. I pick a deep blue dress that reaches the middle of my thigh. Looking around the room for shoes, I find black felt pumps.

"Leave. I need to beautify myself," I flip my hair. With a roll of her eyes, she's out the door. After I zip up the dress with ease and slide on the pumps, I search for accessories. It took me forever to find them, but I found the cutest faux gauges. I haven't worn these in quite a while. They're matte black.

Calum would love these. I sigh. "Two more months," my mind reminds me. I screw them into my ear. Now I have three steps: hair, hair, and makeup. My hair is actually pretty manageable today so I simply straighten it so that it reaches my ass. Damn it, I almost forgot my makeup. Over the span of a few minutes, lipstick with a purple-ish tint cover my naturally pink lips.

"I'm done," I yell. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror, liking what I see. Opening and closing the door, I see Jasmine. She's dressed in a red dress; siren red lipstick adorn her lips.

"You're hot," we simultaneously remark. I crack a smile.

"Blue is your color, babe," Jasmine coolly states.

"Blue looks better on you-"

"Don't you pull that shit. You're beautiful tonight, and I'm going to let the world know it." I blush. "Come on, we gotta get to the car."


Jasmine shuts the car off and we walk towards the bouncer. With a wink and a brush of his crotch thanks to Jasmine, we're in. The cool atmosphere instantly calms me. It feels like home. She leads me to the private VIP section. Once we slide in the booth, my eyes meet familiar brown ones. "Calum!" I scream. He smiles and stands up with the cutest grin on his face. I run up to him and embrace him tightly. His hands secretly travel from my waist to my ass.

5 Seconds of Summer Preferences & Imagines [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now