You Were A Bet 4

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Michael: “The whole menu is available,” Michael prefaced, raising his eyebrows as if this was supposed to impress you. “The whole menu?” you repeated, looking over the fancy restaurant’s fancier menu, “Even the eighty dollar steak dinner?” Michael nodded, praying you wouldn’t select that. “Can we just split a pizza?” you laughed, finding even the pizzas on the menu to be overpriced. “Please yes,” Michael agreed, thinking how lucky he was to have you. “Then we can totally splurge on dessert,” you whispered. “I’m so in love with you,” Michael declared with a laugh. “Good,” you affirmed with a smirk. “This restaurant is so overpriced,” he admitted, watching apprehensively as the waiter carried over the basket of bread. “Do you wanna just eat the bread and go?” you whispered back. “Or we can just take the bread,” Michael suggested, “Because honestly I’m afraid to even eat in here.” “Alright put a loaf in your jacket,” you directed, glancing around for any watchful eyes. “The coast is clear,” you muttered, your hand touching your ear like a secret service agent. “Let’s roll,” Michael nodded, slipping out of his chair in what must have been the least casual way possible. You speed-walked out of the restaurant, breaking into a full run once you reached the door, although no one was chasing you. “We just stole a loaf of free bread,” you panted once you had stopped. “Happy anniversary,” Michael breathed back, hunched over as he attempted to catch his breath. “I’m so in love with you,” you giggled, watching as he pulled the bread from his jacket pocket. “It’s still warm,” Michael observed, breaking it in half and handing one half to you. “This is the best date ever,” you giggled, pecking Michael’s lips. “And we haven’t even spent the three hundred dollars,” Michael murmured back, deepening the kiss.

Calum: You were driving in silence, each of you meditating on your own thoughts when the chime of Luke’s phone filled the car. “It’s Calum,” Luke informed you before answering the call. “He wants to see you,” Luke whispered to you after a moment. “Okay,” you sighed, knowing you would have to see him eventually. “We’ll be over in ten,” Luke shared with Calum before hanging up. “Are you sure you’re ready to talk to him?” Luke checked with a nervous glance toward you. “It’s no big deal,” you lied with a smile. Luke knew you were lying, but he let it go. Soon enough you were in Calum’s driveway, and there he was standing by the door. You stepped out of the car and Luke followed your lead. “The guys are still over so, uh, wanna talk out here?” Calum invited, gesturing toward his porch. You shrugged, and Calum took that as a yes. Luke brushed past you, informing you he would be right inside if you needed anything. You nodded and turned toward Calum, awaiting his explanation. Calum examined his hands in silence as he searched for words. “I’m sorry,” he finally offered. You glanced into his puppy eyes and felt your resolve weakening. Looking back at the floor, you nodded. “I was a dick,” he sighed. You nodded again. “I know there’s no excuse,” he prefaced, “But Ashton didn’t think I could get with you because you’re so hot and when he suggested that one of us would go on stage in our underwear, well, I dunno.” You looked up and met his pleading eyes, and you couldn’t help but laugh a bit. “What do you want me to say, Cal?” you sighed. “I dunno,” Calum mumbled, “Can we, like, be friends?” You bit your lip as you thought it over. “On one condition,” you decided finally, “You have to go on stage in your underwear with Ashton.” Calum’s eyes widened, but he didn’t say no. “Deal,” he granted with a chuckle.


Luke:You woke up, confused for only a moment as to whose room you were in and whose strong arm was hugging your waist. You remembered your strange night with little regret. Your one regret was insisting that he did not sleep on the floor. Had you known how cuddly he was while asleep, you would not have argued that the bed was big enough for two. You attempted to untangle yourself from Luke’s strong grip, hoping to avoid the uncomfortable situation that would ensue if he realized how close he had been during the night. You heard him moan sleepily and you froze as he shifted behind you. “Oh!” he yelped in alarm, quickly scooting away from you. You sat up and watched with amusement as Luke ran a hand through his tussled bed hair. “Good morning,” he offered in a deep morning voice with a deep blush to match. “Good morning,” you sighed sleepily. Voices on the other side of the door told you that his friends were already up, but you ignored it for the time being. “How’d you sleep?” Luke questioned, his eyes stuck on you, admiring the way your frame looked in the t-shirt he lent you. “Good, good,” you assured him. With a light chuckle and a smirk you added, “You’re a cuddler.” Luke blushed and looked away. “Anyway,” you continued, “Are you ready for the final phase?” “What’s that?” Luke inquired. “The walk of shame, of course,” you informed him, rolling your eyes. “You don’t wanna, I dunno, stay for breakfast or anything?” Luke asked hopefully. “Honey, that’s not how one night stands work,” you laughed, shaking your head at his sweetness. “Right,” he mumbled before moving toward the door. You followed, scooping your clothes up in your arms on the way. You slid into the living room, finding the admiring eyes of three boys attached to your every move. “Thanks for the great night,” you offered, loud enough for the boys to hear. “Yeah, no problem,” Luke responded with a shrug. “I’ve never had so many orgasms in my life,” you informed him in a loud whisper. Luke blushed but answered, “It’s whatever.” You found yourself lingering in the doorway; what you wanted from Luke you did not know. “I’m gonna need to get that shirt back some time,” he whispered so his curious friends could not hear, “Maybe you could return it over dinner some time?” “Sure,” you giggled, surprised to find yourself blushing.

Ashton: “Hello?” you heard Ashton’s surprised voice say into the phone. “Hey, uh, it’s me,” you offered weakly, “Y/n.” “Yeah, I have your number,” Ashton mumbled. “Right, well, I heard you were in LA for the VMA’s and I am too and anyway I was wondering if you’d wanna maybe get together for coffee or something?” you finished hopefully and waited with baited breath for his response. “Oh, uh, yeah!” Ashton answered, sounding more confused than anything. “We don’t have to!” you added in a rush. “No, no! I want to!” Ashton assured you, “How about you come over to mine and the boys’ place? There’d be less press than a coffee shop or something.” “Yeah, that’d be awesome.” “Okay,” Ashton chuckled, and you swore you could hear the smile in his voice. “Okay,” you repeated with a grin. It was an hour later that you knocked hesitantly on Ashton’s door. He opened the door and you stepped inside with a nervous wave at his three friends seated on the couch. “Guys, you remember Y/n,” Ashton introduced weakly. “Hi, Y/n,” they muttered weakly, as if all of their thoughts were on the same idea as yours - the bet. “We can, er, go out here,” Ashton invited, gesturing to the balcony. “Perfect,” you agreed, following him outside. You took a seat beside him in silence and watched as he cleared his throat. “I miss you,” you blurted out instantly. “I miss you, too,” Ashton admitted with a grin. “I don’t care about the bet. I just wanna be with you,” you explained, blushing at your own forwardness. You waited for Ashton’s response and were entirely caught off guard when he reached over the table and kissed you. “I’m sorry about the bet,” he mumbled against your lips, “I’m sorry and it’ll never happen again and I love you.” “Woah,” you uttered instantly. “Wait!” Ashton said, pulling away, “I didn’t mean - I - I don’t, uh, I’m sorry.” “No, yeah,” you mumbled senselessly, cheeks burning red, “I think, uh, maybe we should take things slow.” “For sure,” Ashton agreed, his face redder than yours, “I didn’t mean - I’m sorry.” “It’s cool,” you assured him with a hesitant smile, “Let’s just move on.” “Yeah,” he agreed, hesitantly, “Moving on.”

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