Steamy Sessions

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Hey. Ellie here. This isn't going to be completely dirty because that would be imagines, and frankly, I don't have time for those. Also, Elaine wouldn't want something that dirty on her normal preferences so


Michael: The Movies (His POV)

We take our seats in the theater, her choosing the seats without two armrests between them. I give her a puzzled look. "It's the Conjuring. I'm going to get scared."

"True," I agree. The movie began, and right when she looked content, something horrifying happens. She's scared shitless. She buries her head into my chest and places her leg on my thighs. I rub her back as comfort. By accident, her hand brushes my clothed member. My hips jerk up. Oh no. She simply looks up at me and slips her hand under my shirt, rubbing up and down my body. Her other hand begins to play with the zipper of my jeans. I pull her hand away. "We can't do this here," I whisper harshly while feeling my cock twitch.

Ashton: Your VS Fashion Show (Quick A/N: I made you guys models in this one. Don't you dare comment and say that you're not model material because all of you are hot little shits that I would 10/10 bang okay)

You were pushed against the wall after changing into some sweats and a tank top. When you open your eyes, Ashton is breathing heavily, pinning you down. Inside his eyes, you see awe and lust. "Wh-"

"Do you fucking understand that you cannot tease me like that? I can only take so much of you in sexy underwear before I need you." Ashton cuts you off by pressing his lips to yours. You run your hands through his hair, pulling him closer to you. His hands wrap around your waist. You moan into the kiss. "God, I love it when you moan just for me."

Luke: It's His Birthday (A/N: I had to)

"I have a present for you, Luke." "



"What is it?"

"Catch me if you can," You yell, already climbing up the stairs. You hide behind his bedroom door. It takes him quite a while until he walks in the bedroom. Once you see his quiff, you jump out and slam him against the wall, eagerly attaching your lips to his. Luke responds quickly. The kiss deepens when you throw your hands around his neck, one of them pressing into the nape, telling him that you want more. Luke's hands travel from your waist to your bum. He squeezes it unexpectedly, causing you to gasp. "Jump," he mumbles.

Calum: The Club

"Wanna dance?" He whispers in your ear.

"Sure. Wow, look at that hot bartender over there." You crane your neck to get a better look.

"He's not hotter than me, right?" You don't reply. "Right?" Calum presses.

"No promises," you wink.

"You little minx." You and Calum walk to the dance floor hand in hand. Once you're in a nice dancing spot, you detach from him and let your hips find the rhythm to tease him. Calum comes from behind you so that you can grind on him. You accidentally press too hard, eliciting a groan. Your head falls back against his shoulder, kissing his neck. "Don't stop doing what you're doing, please."

"Every time I move to the beat, it gets harder for you and I know it," you sing while sliding a hand down his chest.

5 Seconds of Summer Preferences & Imagines [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now