Goodbye [Lucas]

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You wince as your boyfriend let himself into the apartment that the two of you shared. As you expected, he was drunk off of his head. You hadn’t seen or heard from him in three days. He had gone to a mate’s party one night, and didn’t come back. You had been worried sick.

"Where the fuck have you been?" You whisper.

"Out." He replies, rolling his eyes.

“Out?! Is that all you have to say? You’ve been missing for days, Luke. I thought you died. You didn’t even think to call!”

"Honestly, do you ever shut up? No wonder I’m never here. Your incessant whining makes a hangover feel like a high.” He complains, crashing onto the couch. You grunt in frustration and stride into the bedroom.

"That’s it. You can’t do this do me anymore, Luke!" You scream, flinging your suitcase open. "You can’t keep playing games, and fucking around with my emotions like this!"

You’d think that after almost a year together, he’d grow out of it. Finally decide on what he wanted, and settle down. But he didn’t. He was still going out drinking with the lads every other night, and coming home reeking of booze. He was still having not-so-secret hookups with floozies that hung around the strip clubs he visited regularly. Hell, the two of you had broken up at least 6 times, and yet, being the complete and utter fool you were, you had taken him back every single time. 

But who could blame you? He wasn’t always like that. He had his moments. For your one month anniversary, he had taken you to the roof, and serenaded you under the stars. It was the romantic gestures like this that made you love him.

You loved him more than anything else in the world. You had ignored all of the warnings that your friends and family gave you. You pretended time and time again that things you be alright in the end. You insisted that he loved you back, and that it wasn’t all for nothing. But you were just deluding yourself.

"I know, Y/N! I know that I’m an asshole, and I’m so fucking sorry. I just… I can’t help it." Luke sighs, from the other side of the locked door. "I want to be there for you, but I can never seem to make myself do it."

"That’s the fucking thing! You shouldn’t have to make yourself do it! You shouldn’t have to force it! If you honestly feel anything for me, then you wouldn’t! But you don’t. You don’t feel a fucking thing for me. I was so stupid to ever think that you did."

A tear trickles down your cheek as you roughly fold up your clothes and stuff them into the suitcase. You jump as Luke pounds his fist against the door.

"Just let me in! We can work through this; we always do. Please, Y/N." He yells. "I need you."

You freeze. Swinging the door open, you watch as he stumbles and falls to the floor.

"Don’t you dare. Don’t you fucking dare say that. You have no right to need me. Not when you were never there when I needed you.” You spit, stepping over him. He swore as you dragged your full suitcase over his form.

"And I am sorry for that. But I can’t go back and change that. I wish I could, but I can’t. But please, just stay. For me. I love you."

You can’t help but look into his eyes. You see the thinly veiled pain in them, but you also see the cloudiness from the alcohol.

Taking a deep breath, you convince yourself to stay strong.

"Do you remember what you said to me when we first started dating? You said, ‘Let be the one to save you’. You didn’t. You let me drown, repeatedly. And now, I’m done. I’m over waiting for you to get your shit together and become my knight in shining armour. So this is me, saving myself."

Your heart breaks as you watch the defeat take over his crumpled body.

"Goodbye, Luke."

5 Seconds of Summer Preferences & Imagines [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now