Stuffed Animal [Cal]

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 “Here this is your room.” You have been friends with Calum for a long time now, he’s one of your best friends. You are staying with him for a week. Calum puts your bag on the bed and walks up to you. “I’m so happy you are here. I’ve missed you.” He takes you in his arms and hugs you tight.

“Missed you too Cal.” You say against his chest.

After a couple of minutes of hugging, he lets go. “I’ll leave you, so you can unpack. If you need me I’m in the living room.” He leaves you in your room and you start unpacking. On the bottom of your bag is your little bear. You have had the stuffed animal since you are born. It’s fur has robbed off, so your mum made him a little outfit to protect him. You know it’s embarrassing, but you still sleep with Totie every night. You take him out of your bag and place him carefully under your pillow, so Calum would not see him.

“Ready with unpacking?” You enter the living room. Calum is sitting on the couch.


“I was thinking of ordering pizza and just watch some movies, okay?”

You plop down next to Calum. “It’s like you read my mind.”  

You spend the night on the couch with Calum. All you guys did was talk and watch movies.

“Cal, do you mind if I go to bed?” You ask when the credits play.

He laughs. “Of course not, I’m tired too.”

You are lying in bed, Totie next to your face with one hand wrapped around him. You hear a quick nock on your door, before it opens. You rapidly pull Totie under your duvet.

“What was that?” Calum squeezes his eyes together.

“What was what?” You try seem like you have no idea what he is talking about.

“What do you have under you duvet?”

“Nothing.” You hear your voice going up.

“Let me see then.”

“Cal what are you doing here?” You ask distracting him.

“I came to say goodnight.”

You smile. “Goodnight Calum. Sweet dreams.” You crawl deeper in bed.

“No, no, no. It’s not going to be this easy, what do you have under there?” He’s now pulling on your duvet.

“No, Calum. Please leave it.” You hold your duvet tight against you.

“(Y/N), please let me see.” He sits down on your bed, next to you. You see that he’s not giving up and really wants to know what you are hiding.

“Okay, but promise me, you are not going to laugh.” His eyes are looking at you with confusion. “Promise Calum.

“I promise.” He says genuinely.

You slowly pull your bear from under need the duvet, not looking at Calum.

“What is this?” He takes Totie from your hands.

“This is my bear Totie.” You say embarrassed.

“Totie! Seriously? Your old stuffed animal?” You lightly nod. “Wow, that he’s still alive.”

You smile. “I take care of him.”

He laughs. “You clearly do, but he is skinny.” He strokes over the fur.

“He’s old Calum, let’s see how much hair you’ll have in twenty years.”

“If you’ll take care of me as you do for Totie, I’ll have a whole bunch.” You laugh. “Why did you hide him from me?”

You look in his eyes, but shift them to Totie when you start talking. “It’s embarrassing. Who still sleeps with a stuffed animal?” Calum laughs, your head shoots up. “Calum Thomas Hood! You promised!”

“Sorry (Y/N). I get it, it’s a bit embarrassing. A girl your age should not be sleeping with stuffed animals.”

“I know.”

“So why do you keep doing it.”

“I don’t know. He makes me feel safe.” You shrug your shoulders. “So I keep sleeping with him even tho it’s totally embarrassing.”

“I think it’s kinda cute.”

“Cute!?” Your eyes widen, looking right into Calum’s.

He nods and smiles. “Yeah it’s cute. But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to tease you.”

You smile. “Fine. Night Cal.” You reach over, give him a kiss on the cheek and lie back down.  “What are you doing?” You ask surprised when Calum pulls back the duvet, crawls under and lies down next to you.

“Move over, tonight you’re cuddling with me.” 

5 Seconds of Summer Preferences & Imagines [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now