Frustration [Lucas]

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I'm sorry if your on your period or something to make you cry like this.



A wet tear slid down your cheek slowly, and you felt it hit your arm as it dripped off your face. You sniffle loudly, and lean on the bathroom counter in front of you with your eyes closed tightly. You take a shaky breath, and swallow the lump in your throat. You let out the breath you were holding in slowly, and it turned into another soft sob. You bring your hand up, and wipe away your tears quickly as your eyes slowly open. You cup your face in your hands tightly, and you breath slowly until you've finally settled down. You wipe away another tear, and push your hair out of your eyes as you look down at the sharp objects sitting in front of you.

A razor, a piece of glass, a box cutter, and a brand-new bottle of pain killers. Just one slip, one cut, one dose and you'll be gone, done. Done with the pain, done with the suffering, and done living your pathetic life. It's not hard. It's actually quite easy, actually. You'll experience a temporary pain but it'll be worth it because after a few slow, painful moments you'll be in a better place. Your happy place.

You take another deep breath, and grab the razor in front of you. Your hands are shaky so you nearly dropped it, but it rested firmly in your fingertips. You turn your wrist faced up, and you see the faint marks from previous cuts. You promised yourself you wouldn't do this. You promised you wouldn't relapse, but you lied. Sometimes the pain, and heartbreak is just to hard for you to continue being strong. Pretending to be strong.

You bring the razor to your wrist slowly, and you try not to drop the razor. You felt the cold metal against your skin, and you press softly. It wasn't pressed hard enough to cut through, but you felt the light prick from the blade. You clench your teeth together tightly, and press harder until you feel the metal break through your skin. You gasp softly, and tears filled your eyes as you moved it in a swift motion cutting open your skin. You pull away the razor instantly, and throw in the sink with a clang as the dark red liquid began to drip from your skin. You felt your bottom lip wobble, and you let out a loud sob as you grabbed it tightly. You felt your knees crumble underneath you, and you fall down with a light thud as you grabbed your cut tighter. You let out another loud sob, and tears stream down your face quickly. You look down at your hands that were now covered with your dark blood that continued to pour.

You lean over, and grab tissue next to the toilet to wipe it off slowly. As you were wiping it off you heard the sound of the bathroom door swinging open, and your head snaps up quickly just to see your boyfriend Luke barging in.

"Babe, where do you put the-" He started asking with a curious expression, but stopped speaking when he looked down at your with furrowed eyebrows. You look up at him with wide eyes, and you hold your wrist to your chest protectively so he wouldn't see. Luke looked over you concerned, and brought his hand up to run his fingers in his hair quickly.

"A-are you okay?" He asked with a smooth velvet voice, and you stare at him for a short moment before slowly nodding. Your heart was racing quickly, and you felt like bursting into tears at the thought of Luke finding out your darkest secret. He never knew about your depression, your pain. He wouldn't love you anymore if he did.

Well...that's what you thought.

Luke looked at you with a hard expression, and he looked down at your wrist that you were holding tightly. Your heart began to race faster in hopes he didn't notice, but you knew you were caught. Luke stared at your wrist closely with furrowed eyebrows before he looked up into your eyes. He saw your tear stained cheeks, and felt his heartbreak at the thought you crying. He took a step closer to you, and you held your wrist closer to your chest. Luke looked down at it once again, and you saw his eyes flicker to your blood stained tissue by your feet. His eyes widened, and you saw heartbreak cross his face as he looked up at you. He opened his mouth to speak, but closed it once again before running his fingers through his hair. You heard him sigh softly, and he looked at the sink briefly before looking back to you.

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