Calum The Father (Imagine For Ariana)

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For Ariana.
(The Winner On The True Or False)


Ariana's Pov

  Being pregnant in 9 months is very hard,  I've been craving for some foods.

  I was softly rubbing my big belly watching the Mean Girls when suddenly a contraction hit again “Baby, you give me a hard time ” I groan but when I see my legs with blood I widened my eyes.

  “Mom!.. I-I think the b-baby's coming! ” I shouted till my mom walks near me “oh my! I'm going to call the paramedics ” Mom reach the phone and dialed the hospital “mom p-please make sure call Calum too alright? ” I said as another contraction hit again.

Calum's Pov

  Me and The boys were recording some song in the studio “Hey how's Ariana goin'?" Michael ask me nowhere “well she's been good and she's at the house with her mom. I can't believe that we're having a baby!” I said as I smiled as I thought of Ariana.

  “Hey Cal your phone is ringing non-stop ” Ashton said and pass my phone and Answer it  .

  “Calum, Ariana's going in labour she's in the hospital now hurry, she wants you ” Ariana's mom said and in one moment I grab my car keys “Is Ariana's going in labour? we're coming! ” Luke said and we hurried to go on the hospital.

Ariana's Pov

  “He's coming now alright breath in and out” mom said as I breath in and out.

  “Where's Ariana? ” Calum burst in the emergency room which is here “oh baby ” Calum said and kissed your cheek “your going to be OK” Calum assumed me “C-Calum the baby's coming!!” I shouted as the doctor said “You can do it miss ” Calum reach my hand and I squeezed it tight “Push more and breath in and out,  you're going to be OK ” Calum said “OK push” the doctor said and I push.

  “I can see the head 3 more push” the doctor once again said and I pushed “we're going to be parents alright?  ”.

  As I push and push I hear a sound of the baby crying “It's girl! congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Hood,  Mr. Hood will you cut the cord?" the doctor said as Calum nod quickly and cutting the cord as I was blocked out.

  I fluttered my eyes and saw Calum holding my Daughter for the first time “look mommy just woke up, she's beautiful right? and of course your beautiful too” Calum cooed the baby and handed me my daughter “She's so Beautiful..” I quietly said as my baby giggles in happiness “I haven't name her yet so I waited for you” Calum said “well I think it's Crystal Jane Hood” I said “it's Perfect” Calum said “She's perfect ”.


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