Daddy [Lucas]

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Dis is not derty!
Credits to da owner

All throughout your pregnancy Luke had been super protective of you. He was always making sure that you were comfortable and had everything that you needed. Now that you had your baby, he got to take care of you and your plus one. About a month before your delivery you and Luke went shopping for baby clothes. He picked out numerous onesies, some with skulls and some with guitars. "He's gonna be just like daddy" Luke smiled. Now you were on your way home from the hospital, your little boy all wrapped in fuzzy blankets in your arms. "I'm so excited, he's gonna be able to sing and play guitar, he'll be in his first band when he's 5. And I'll get him a little leather jacket! And his hair, oh his hair will be great" Luke smiled as he stared at the road. "Okay, well for right now let's just focus on getting this little guy all situated in his new nursery!" you spoke with a baby voice, cooing at your son. When you got home you were exhausted and wanted to take a nap. "Are you okay taking care of him? If he gets hungry just wake me up. Do you know where everything is? Should I call my mom to come over?" you asked, worried about Luke being alone with the baby for the first time. "Y/N, I'm fine!" he said, picking up your son and holding him in his arms. "Are you sure?" you asked one more time. "I'm positive" Luke said, sitting down with your child on the rocking chair. You sighed and went to lay down. When you woke up you were shocked by how many hours had passed and Luke hadn't woken you up yet. When you went to look for Luke you found him in the nursery in the same chair as you left him in. He was asleep with his mouth slightly open while your baby was also asleep in his arms wrapped up in a blanket. You walked over to him slowly and gently moved some of his hair on his forehead to the side. His eyes opened slightly and you whispered a simple "Hey". The two of you looked lovingly at your newborn as you whispered "My two favorite boys".

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