Unsaid 3 [Ash]

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Please get this 100 votes I'll update 3 imagines sad, dirty and romantic.

if you don't...

“will never see you...” Calum said “yeah..probably away from you..” Ashton said,  Luke frowns “please get this 100 votes... and we-” “we will have a fivesome ” Michael burst “Michael! ..well just continue reading” Calum said.


You stir around nervously in your coffee, glancing up at the door ever so often, waiting for Ashton to walk in. You don’t know why, but you are feeling particularly anxious to see Ashton today, which is weird because usually, you get really excited and happy to meet up with him. You have a slight suspicion that it has to do with the news he might be bringing you. You haven’t talked to Ash since his big blow out with his girlfriend, Kaylee and you have no idea where they stand right now. You experience some degree of guilt for secretly hoping they have broken up, but isn’t that what every girl would wish for when they are desperately in love with a taken boy? The little bell hanging above the entrance door rings, causing you to look up and see Ashton Irwin sauntering into the cafe, looking around. You wave, catching his attention as he walks over to where you are sitting. “Hey!” you greet him, hugging him before he sits across from you. “Hey” he replies in his deep, rough voice, giving you a small, crooked smile. “Long time no see” you say, trying to sound casual and not at all as if you are attempting to pry into his love life, which of course, you are. “I know, it’s been a little crazy lately” he answers, running his long, graceful fingers through his thick mahogany curls and sighing heavily. “Why, what’s wrong?” you question him further, again, reminding yourself to sound nonchalant and breezy. “Kaylee and I broke up. For good” he tells you. You try and detect what kind of emotion Ashton is projecting right now, but you can’t read him. You can’t tell whether this devastates him or if he’s ok with it. “I’m sorry to hear that. Are you ok? What happened?” Tone it down (y/n) you scorn yourself, mentally shutting yourself up. Ashton shakes his head, obviously frustrated. “It wasn’t just one thing. I mean, I told you about her being a little over bearing and clingy, but there was other stuff too” he mumbles vaguely. He is giving you nothing. “What other stuff? Come on, Ash, you can tell me. We’ve been friends forever, I’m on your side here!” you assure him. His eyes flicker up to meet yours briefly and you can tell he is debating whether or not to confide in you. “I don’t want you to feel weird…..” he says carefully. “Why would I feel weird?” you ask with confusion. “Well, Kaylee somehow got it in her head that because we spend so much time together, I have feelings for you, so she broke it off” he confesses in a small voice, avoiding your eyes. Saliva dries up in your mouth and there is a churning sensation in your stomach, alongside an indescribable, all-consuming emotion that you cannot define as anything you’ve ever felt before. “Oh. Well….. Did you tell her we are just friends?” you ask once you’ve found your voice again. The most heartbreaking thing in the world is when your crush dismisses any possibility of you two ever being together, kinda like Ashton just did. It’s not something that is easy to cover up and you are struggling with trying to keep your composure. Ashton stares at you with his big, sad, puppy dog eyes, before dropping his gaze once more and whispering “the thing is…… I think she may not be wrong.” Your mouth parts a little. Your devastation comes to a screeching halt, but now your body is confused about how to feel. Was that Ashton’s confession to liking you? Could it possibly be that he feels the same way as you do? That all your day dreaming about being with Ashton may actually become a reality? It is too much for you to comprehend and process all in one moment. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have….” he begins starting to get up. “Ash” you interrupt him, placing your hand on his. He seems a little surprised. You slowly get up and close the gap between you two, lingering before his lips for a moment, staring into his clear, emerald eyes. Is this really about to happen? you wonder. This thing you’ve been dreaming of and awaiting for countless years? “Are you sure she was right?” you whisper so low, that you almost think Ashton might not even have heard you. “It’s always been you, (y/n). It’s just taken me all this time to see it” he replies, before your lips meet, melting into a slow and tender kiss, filled with a purity and such deep emotion that you can feel it all the way into your little toes. It seems that all the waiting has finally paid off because finally, finally it’s your turn to be with Ashton Fletcher Irwin, and you aren’t about to pass it up either.

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