Big Softie [Ash]

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“Ashton. We need to talk about your kids.” You walk into his rehearsal room.

“My kids? I thought they were ours.” He laughs, sitting behind his drums.

“Yes, your kids. They got into trouble, both of them.”

“Both?” You see his eyes widen and you nod.

“Who do you want to start with?”

“What did my baby girl do?”

“She bit Snowy.” He laughs. “Don’t laugh! Your two year old bit another kid in daycare.”

“Well she probably deserved it with such a ridiculous name.” He is still laughing.

You are trying to not to laugh. “Ashton Irwin!”

“What. It’s true, who names his kid, Snowy.”

“That’s not the point Ash. Nia bit someone and we can’t tolerate that.”

“Yeah, that’s true.” He stops laughing. “What do we need to do?”

“You are talking to her.” You give him a stern look.

“I will, later.”

“Want to hear what your boy did?”

He sighs. “No, but tell me.”

You smile. “Nathaniel, will you come here please?” You shout through the house. He enters the room only a few seconds later. “Nate, tell your dad what you did in school.”

“Nothing.” He says soft, looking at his feet.

“Don’t you lie to us.” You voice sounds strict.

“I pushed Tommy.” You see a shift in Ashton’s expression. “But he said that my drawing was ugly.”

“Was that everything?” You look at your son.

He shakes his little head no. “I said a bad word and miss Morrison heard it.”

“Thank you. Go to the living room. Your dad and I will be there in a moment.”

Nate turns around and leaves the room with is head looking down to his feet.

“What word did he say.” Ashton giggles as soon as Nate has left.

“He said ‘fuck’.” Ashton starts to laugh again. “Ash! This is not funny. He know more bad words than me.” He giggles again. “Babe, you need to be more careful and you need to tell the guys that too. Every time he spends time with them he comes home knowing another new swearword.”

“I know, but we swear a lot, we can’t help it.”

“Just watch your mouths, before you know it, Nia will be swearing too.” He nods and moves over to you. “So now it’s your turn.”

“My turn for what?”

“I always need to be the bad cop in this house. Now it’s your turn, you can be the bad guy.”

He wraps his arms around your waist. “But babe.”

“No Irwin, you’re doing it.” You get out of his arms and slap him on his butt. “Go on.”

You walk to the living room, following Ashton. He picks up Nia from the floor where she’s playing with her dolls, carries her to the couch, sits down and places her down on his laps.

“Nia, princess, mommy told me what you did.” She looks at you, her eyes almost have anger in them, because you told Ashton. Then she looks at Ashton, her face changing to innocent. You sit down next to Ashton, suppressing a smirk. “You can’t bite people, you know that right?” She nods. “You need to be nice to everybody. Mommy and I talked about your punishment.” You see Nia looking at Ashton with puppy dog eyes. “But I think you understand that what you did was wrong.” She nods again. You roll your eyes.

“Okay, so don’t do it again princess.” She gives Ashton a kiss and hops of his laps, going back to play.

“She has you wrapped around her little finger, unbelievable.” You whisper in his ear. “Come on, now the next one.”

“Nathaniel. Will you come here please.” You are surprised by how strict Ashton’s voice sounds. He comes and rest his body against your knees. You pull him onto your laps. “Nate, son, we don’t push people, you know that. We need to be kind to everyone even if they said something that is not nice.” He nods, his eyes standing sad. “And that bad word that you said, I don’t want you to say that ever again. If I hear it coming out of your mouth, you’ll be in so much trouble.”

“Yes daddy.”

“And you are four now, you are a big boy. You need to be an example for your sister.” Nate nods again. “So do we need to punish you?”

He heavily shakes his head no. “I will never do it again, I promise.” Nate pouts.

“Okay then. Let’s do something fun now, I’ve been mad at you guys for long enough now. Let’s go to the park and play and then go for ice creme!” Ashton jumps up, picking up Nia and putting her on his shoulders.

“I can’t believe you. This is you being the bad guy, you are such a huge softie! They only need to look at you and you forget that they have been naughty. Thank god I can be strict or nothing would become of our children.”

He laughs. “I did pick out the best mommy in the world, didn’t I?” The kids nod in agreement.

You smile at your children and then to Ashton. “You’re an idiot Irwin. A big soft idiot.”

“But I’m your big soft idiot.” He bows down kissing you. 

5 Seconds of Summer Preferences & Imagines [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now