Youtuber [Lucas]

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I sat in my room alone after uploading my latest video to my channel and I sighed. The video was about my new and upcoming adventures I have planned. I moved to London this summer so I can do a bunch of collab videos with my newest friends that I made at Playlist and VidCon, but they weren’t set to start until next week. I pick up my phone when it dings. Jack texted me to tell me to open the door because he came over with some Nandos. I skip down the stairs and open the door. I stand to the side as he brings our food into the living room and plops down on the couch.

"You know how many girls would kill to be me right now?" I ask him.

"Not one for modesty, are we?" he jokes.

"No, I mean because I’m sitting in my flat with THE Jack Howard. The fan girl envy is strong in that sentence" I tell him.

"I guess I never really think about how many people watch me until we get to Playlist or Summer in the City and I see all the faces" he says.

"Yeah, but sometimes I wish famous people would watch us too" I laugh.

"Like who?" He asks as he shoves a forkful of food into his mouth.

"Have you seen the new 5 Seconds of Summer videos? It makes me sad that I can’t meet them. Like, I wouldn’t fangirl because I know how it can be weird to be on the receiving end of that, but I’d kill to cuddle with them" I reply.

"Dare you to tweet that" he challenges me. I take out my phone and open twitter.

"Not like he will see it" I say. I type my tweet and hit send. Jack checks his phone and reads it out loud.

"Sometimes I get sad when I remember that I won’t ever get to cuddle @Luke5SOS." He favorites and retweets it and tells all his followers to retweet it. I groan and continue to eat. As we joke around between us, I hear a knock at my door and find Louise standing there.

"Hey Y/N. I was in the area for the day and figured I’d pop in to see the place" she said cheerfully. I let her in and her and Jack said their hellos before he hands me my phone.

"You’re going to want to see this" he tells me and my heart skips a beat when I see that Luke tweeted me back.


Never say never @y/t/n ;)

I take a chance and tweet back.


@Luke5SOS technically didn’t say never :-)

My phone signaled a DM and my stomach dropped. In order to have a DM, he would have had to follow me but he didn’t do it today because I would have noticed. He had to have already been following me. Jack and Louise laugh at me.

"What happened to not fan girling?" Jack laughs.

"I feel like a 13 year old again" I reply and Jack rolls his eyes. Louise sits next to me and takes a peek at my phone to see what we are taking about.

"You just asked for your number over twitter!" She hollered.

"WHAT!?" Jack yelled. "Not fair! Your dares always have me getting humiliated in front of everyone and mine gets you a date. I want recognition at your wedding."

"Calm down Jack. He just asked for her number, never asked for a date" Louise said.

"Um" I butt in after my phone beeps. "Actually, he wants to go out next week when they get to London."

Jack huffs out “unfair” Louise and I laugh.

"Just give me some time Jack, I’ll find you a girl" I tell him.

"Oh Lord" was his response.


As I sit across from Luke at a little mom and pop resturaunt hidden in a back street near London, I can’t help but think to myself  'thanks Jack'

5 Seconds of Summer Preferences & Imagines [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now