You Speak Chinese 2/4

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Perfect Language For Michael Because.... Well Videogames.
And Any Japanese/Chinese/Korean girls there your welcome.



Since You born being Japanese and being Michael Clifford's girlfriend is normal right?

You were talking to your Mother in the phone when Michael walks in,  “犀悧遙,舸嵝匠灑婚偂試噯巨卟煩...夜幕芿藐兂業遊囻卟怕, 衯手涐還懷‘崾卟煩  菌政苡!” you said bye to your mother and hang up “You know you look hot when you speak Chinese.. ” MICHAEL said out of blue “well I can teach you” you said “Yay!  how can you speak Michael Clifford is hot” Michael said as you look at him weirdly “your weird” “come on just say it” Michael whined and looked at me “alright ...” then the rest of the day he speak Chinese all week.

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