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Guys, I'm a bit confused on whether I should continue or not because I haven't been getting many votes nor comments yet I spend so much time writing for you guys..

I just hope everyone can shower their love once again through votes and comments so I can continue writing for you guys..

Song suggestion| Chand Sitaare

Jiah's POV:

The men were busy preparing for tomorrow's ceremony whilst the ladies made arrangements for the food catering in the kitchen.

No, they weren't cooking, they were ordering online on some website and discussing the menu amongst themselves whilst I sat behind them on a kitchen counter, munching into an apple.

I know I'm lazy but what to do.

In between all this ruckus, I decide to head to my room and arrange my outfit for tomorrow because we have rehearsals throughout the day starting early morning for Sangeet.


As I turn the corner of the kitchen, the door of the store room opens and before I can respond, I am kidnapped!

A arm wraps around my wrist and pulls me in, shutting the door with a thud. My gaze lay on the floor as my breathing became uneven sensing a warm breath fanning on my neck.

I looked up to meet the face of Armaan who was piercing his eyes into mine, not changing their direction for even a second, forgetting to blink.

We sink into eachothers eyes and remain drowning until I whisper,

"what are you doing here?" a ghost of a smile starts playing at his lips, "you know what I'm doing here" he said bringing his face even closer than it already was.

I give him a questioning gaze whilst he removes my left hand from his collar, which I hadn't realised I was holding.

Is he here to do what I think he is going to do?



Armaan's POV:

I had been wanting to see the color of her hands after she got mehendi done and knowing no better way of meeting her, I sneaked in with the flower vendors.

I nearly got caught but it was worth it. When I saw her sitting in the kitchen, I went into the room next door to it discovering it to be a store room.

I waited until she came out and when she finally did... I pulled her in by encircling my hand around her wrist closing the door after she was safely inside.

I towered above her and as my hands snaked around her waist, hers found their way to my collar.

"What are you doing here?" her trembling lips make out as a smile overtakes my expression "you know what I'm doing here" I reply leaving her confused as I start to inch in closer to her, our breaths fanning the other.

I then take her left hand off my collar to see the color, as her eyes bore into me, "what if someone comes?" she whispers again, disrupting me. With her hand in mine, my eyes meet hers yet again "let them come".

"Mum will see"

"Let her see"

"Anjali will tell"

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