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I'm sorry for this guys..

Song suggestion|O khuda

Third person's POV:

It had been almost 4 hours since Armaan left for office. Jiah was restless at home and for some reason, she had this feeling that something very bad is going to happen.

She waved it off and called the girls to my place for a little get together. They chatted for quite some time until the sun began to set.

During the volume of chatting, Jiah  was lost. Lost in her thoughts. They all contained Armaan. She hadn't missed him this much ever, then why today?

Jiah was awakened by Sehaj who shook her shoulder and sighed knowing I was breathing, "aren't you gonna have anything to eat? You haven't eaten anything all this time" she stressed as Jiah shook her head in negative, "no I'm not hungry."

As soon as Sehaj was satisfied with Jiah's response, Simran seemed to think otherwise, "it's not good to remain hungry when you're pregnant Jiah."

"I know"

"Besides, whenever I've seen you, you're always eating, is everything alright?"

"Umm... ye-ah, what could possibly be wrong, I'm just missing my husband" she covered up.

"Oooo" they cooed as though they were twelve year old girls telling their friends about their first crushes. They're little act was followed by laughter until a ringtone quitened the group up, disturbing the laughter.

On the phone call:

Jiah answered, "he-llo?"

"Hi Jiah, do you want to come over to the firm and we can go for dinner together tonight?"

Relief filled Jiah's ears as Armaan's voice registered in her membrane,

"s-ure I'll see you there" but she still wasn't convinced. She kept telling herself that everything is okay, but deep down, she knew that something really wrong is happening.

The call was disconnected as Jiah focussed on the three girls sitting in front of her.

Phone call ends.

"Who was it?" Anjali asked.

"Just your jiju. He suggested we should go out for dinner together, so he called me to his office,"

"Oh, so we're disturbing your family time. We're so sorry, we better get going," they joked as they gathered their belongings and headed for the door.

Once at the door, Anjali remembered, "you can't drive like this, do you want us to give you a lift?"

Jiah shook her head, "thanks but no need, I'll go with one of the drivers" she smiled.

The sisters all hugged eachother goodbye, promising to meet up as soon as possible.


Jiah got ready in a plain, floor length, green velvet dress, which hung halfway down her shoulders with two straps peeking out and clasping her shoulders.

Her bulge was almost covered by the soft material. Although Jiah was some 9 months pregnant, you would think that she was hardly 5 months in.

She decided to wear matching flats, with light make up, and her hair plaited into a side braid.

At last she was completely ready and sat down in the silver Mercedes with the driver closing the door behind her.

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