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We have officially crossed 25 chapters!!

Make that 26.

But, guy's, this is just the beginning of our many milestones that we are going to cross together..

Let's make more memories.

From now on, more than the voting, I'd like to get your feedback, that's what will tell me where I'm going wrong and if I'm on track or not.

We have made hisgory as we broke our record and are now #318 in chicklit.

Thank you.

Enough of my rant, go ahead and read the chapter.

Song suggestion|Roke na Ruke Naina

Third person's POV:

It has been 6 hours since the operation finished. After a brief talk with Dr. Mukherjee, most of the family members went home as no more than three people were allowed at once, all except Sehaj, Anjali and Armaan.

Sehaj had guilt bubbling up inside her, she didn't know how to get rid of it, but she knew, if anything happened to her sister Jiah, it will be the end of her life.

Whereas Sehaj's heart was filled with the burden of guilt, a deep secret lay in Anjali's. A secret which she yearned to tell her sister, but couldn't muster up the courage, although, now she doubted the chances if she ever will be able to tell her.

As the girls were lost in their thoughts, Armaan was thinking of what he's life will become like without her.

Yes, he hadn't known her for long, but the moment he set eyes on her, he knew she was his angel in every mean.

She will save him.


That night, no one slept a wink, no one took the risk that when they open their eyes, Jiah might close hers forever.

It was 9 in the morning when people started filling the hospital's waiting room.

Pooja had made breakfast for everyone with her very own hands which she rarely did, as she was always surrounded by servants who refused to let her work, but today, she couldn't care less, as it was the matter of her family's nutrition.

No one had eaten nor drank anything after the Bidai. Armaan rested his throbbing head in his Mum, Nisha's lap, who stroked it lovingly.

Sehaj had been missing for quite some time as she hadn't informed anyone where she had gone. Everyone spent the hours reminiscing the memories they shared with Jiah.


The clock never stops, it doesn't matter if we're here or not, time will never stop, it will always continue. It doesn't stop for anyone, not you, not me, and in this case, it was still ticking marking the first 24 hours that Jiah had spent in COMA.

As visiting hours once again came to an end, but before it did so, the knob of the waiting room door turned and Diya from the front desk walked in with a big smile plastered on her face,

"Good news everyone" she squealed excitedly as everyone jumped up from their seats seeing the sparkle in our eyes, "I was just talking to Jhanvi, the nurse, and it turns out that she has noticed a significant improvement in Jiah's health" she jumped up, clapping her hands in joy.

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