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Sad chapter.

Song suggestion|Channa Mereya

2 months later:

Jiah's POV:

It has been two months since I was set free and was allowed to come back to Armaan. Ever since Armaan heard I was pregnant, he has been adamant on staying with me every second.

Today's a Sunday and we are sitting in the living room watching the news.

I was mostly lost in Armaan's embrace, until a certain headline caught my attention and forced me to open my eyes.

"A 19 year old female prisoner commits suicide in Vienna's Central prison"

My heart stops hearing the female reporter state the breaking news.

She continues,

"The 19 year old female prisoner, Myra Dhanrajgir, commited suicide this morning in her prison cell by cutting her nerves with a rock"

She shows us a glimpse of her body which supposedly was cremated this morning as she was a hindu.

"She had surrendered to the Chief of Vienna Polizei some two months back, under the accusation of planned murder."

Some of her pics are displayed on screen, whilst Armaan pulls me closer to him. I cry my heart out, still somehow managing to watch the news.

I didn't know her much, but she was the closest thing my best friend had to love. He loved her so much that if she'd asked, he would've brought the stars for her service.

Then something catches my attention. Akash. His photos were also displayed on screen beside the speaking reporter.

"This young man, Akash Malhotra, was reported dead, with the cause of his death being head injury due to the accident he was part of. It was revealed that the accident was actually murder, which was originally planned for someone else, but the victim ended up being this young man at age 18."

"If sources are to be believed, Ms. Dhanrajgir has written something in hindi on the wall with her blood, it reads 'Mujhe maaf kardo Akash" which translates to 'Forgive me Akash' in english, before she slowly died."

"It is said that she was under severe depression to which the court was disbelieving. Nothing has been proved about her mental state."

"We hope the souls of Myra Dhanrajgir and Akash Malhotra may rest in peace. Amen."

The channel is then suddenly changed to some sports one as my sobs get louder.

If there is anything such as true love, the definition would be the love Akash had for Myra and the one Myra had for Akash.

"It's okay. She got what she deserved."

"She didn't deserve it Armaan. She deserved happiness, a life with Akash, but unfortunately, thanks to me, she lost her everything. But if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be alive today."

His shirt started getting damp as I cried more into it, but he didn't budge, yet did lean in closer.

"She may have come into my life as someone who wanted to take revenge, was a villain, but she left as an angel, giving me a life, but taking her own."

"Promise me, we'll never hate her."

He hesitates for a second before replying,

"Promise" and he leaves a lingering kiss on my forehead, as I close my eyes to let the last set of tears disperse through my eyes and fall into deep slumber.


I woke upto Armaan who was passionately....

Shaking me awake?

"Come with me" he dragged me onto my feet as I struggled to stand on them. He sighed and picked me up bridal style in his arms,

"Seriously Mrs. Armaan Khanna, you have become quite heavy"

I sniffle as my nose had become somewhat blocked due to all the crying and punch him in the chest with my side fist as he winces in fake pain,


I smile in a satisfactory attempt, but his smirk grows making chills run down my spine,

"you'll pay for this later"

"Why not now?" I pout as he laughs,

"Cause I need to show you something."

He walks me into a dark room and sets me on my feet. The room is lighted with two candles under two picture frames.

My heart becomes heavy seeing those two photos there.

There on the wall hung the pictures of Akash and Myra with a shelf underneath them, holding two candles which were lit.

I glanced at Armaan who returned me the look with a warm smile.

"The least I can do is help you remember the people that meant a lot to you, so what if they brought a bit of pain with them, at least they gave you some moments of happiness right?"

Without another word, I hugged Armaan. I never wanted to pull away. How could I ever thank this Mr. Husband of mine, Armaan?

"How can I ever thank you enough?"

"You don't have to."

I planted a small kiss on his cheek before I turned around to look at the two faces, in all their glory, were together for once.

It hurt to loose them, but they are closer to me than ever now. My finger ran over the glass of Akash's picture frame, as I closed my eyes trying to imagine him smile at me and winking at me, something he loved doing.

I then moved onto Myra and the thoughts of that day when she saved my life from Ishita flooded my membrane. I owe her my life, but the only difference is that my life itself is already sold to Armaan.

"I love you" I whispered to those people who meant a lot to me, hoping they'd hear me from their places under the supervision of God in heaven.


Hindi dictionary:
Yup, Myra's no more.

At this moment, I haven't really been getting a lot of support as there are barely any comments or votes.

It's really discouraging.

But thank you to all those people who help me to write.

The story is now getting closer to it's end, but it's not finished yet.

Hope you're liking it so far, this is it for now.

R.I.P. Myra and Akash.

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