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Ok it's been a while since we did this..

Song suggestion|Tumhe Dillagi Bhool Jani Padegi

Armaan's POV:

It's been three months, two days, nine hours, 20 minutes and.. I glance at my watch, 36 seconds since the day I boarded that flight to Canada.

Things have changed since then, I have started working non-stop ever since I got that call.

The call was made by Sir John D'silva. He runs one of the biggest gangs in Canada and has ruined many lives, either by drugging, pressurising or killing.

He threatened my dad when I was eight, and that day, I had promised myself I will take revenge for all that he has done to countless souls.

What had they done to deserve all this?

For the past one year that I have spent away from my family, I have been gathering information and evidence against him, but it's been quite hard.

He is so darn good at keeping his image clean, that he'll go to any extent. But recently, a woman, by the name of Ishita Mehra, came to me for help.

She told me her back story and how she was a victim of Sir John. Sir John had brutally murdered her entire family and had raped her.

She was in a very weak mental state. I got the police involved, so they can provide her protection.

The day I left India, that day I received a call from..



I come out of the shower as my phone continued to ring. Still wrapped in a towel, I put the phone to my ear, answering it.

"What's wrong?"

"Sir John's got her"

My breathing becomes rigid as I take in the information. Without another word I say,

"I'm coming"

I put the phone down and return to the shower with thoughts of Ishita, Sir John and Jiah in my head.

What will she think if I leave so suddenly?

What will happen then?

I don't want her to feel like I don't care about her, especially after last night's incident.

It's not my fault that Ishita is my ex.

I'm not really cheating on her right?

I'm just saving a life and solving a case, how bad can it be?


I tried talking to mum all morning but to no use, she was too busy in the kitchen with the other ladies, gossiping about the latest beauty products in store.

Typical ladies.

Then, I tried talking to dad, but he was too busy cracking dad jokes.

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