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Ok, before you read this, the only thing I want to say is that I have camp tomorrow so I probably won't be able to update, though I'll try my level best.

I'm scared about this chapter as I sorta rushed it, sorry.

Song suggestion|Tere Bin Nahi Lage Jiya

Jiah's POV:

My eyes tackled the suns' rays which dispersed through the huge window.

Huge window?

Since when do I have a huge window in my room?

As my vision adjusted, I scanned my surroundings remembering the 4 day affair of my wedding.

Right, I'm married now and no longer Jiah Kapoor.

This is my first morning as Mrs. Jiah Armaan Khanna.

It feels so weird saying that. I think I should stick with my birth name to avoid the confusion.

I tried to stretch but was pulled back. Huh?

How does that work?

Did the bed grow arms or something whilst I was sleeping?

I look to the side to find a man sleeping beside me with his face a couple millimetres away, his breath fanning delicately over my lips.

The man, I mean my husband, was sleeping peacefully, with no worry of the world, his features relaxed and he looked uver cute!!

I turned over, still in his hold, facing him.

I started rubbing the worry lines he had on his forehead as the events of the previous night circled my brain.

He was drunk.

So drunk that he didn't want me to touch him.

My fingers parted ways with his skin but again came in contact as I had started caressing his cheek.

Why did you say those words last night?

Why can't I stay away from you when I know you're no good for me?

Why did those words hurt so much even though I promised myself I'll never feel anything for you?

"Do I still love you?" I questioned out loud this time and tensed as his eyes flew open.

"You shouldn't be" he said before attempting to untangle himself from me, removing his arm off of me.

As he tried to get up, he fell back onto the bed as his locket was tangled with mine. He glanced my way and I avoided his eyes.

His fingers were already investigating on the case of the lockets and were making progress until there was this one knot he got stuck on.

My hands, as if they had a mind of their own, removed his from the crime spot and started solving the riddle.

After much wait, and his intense gaze piercing through me, I finally untangled the knot before he turned to leave.

"You have no right to love me, understood?" he said, his back to me and then continued making his way to the bathroom.

If I don't have the right to love him, then who does?

I'm legally his wife for crying out sake!!

Does he mean Ishita?

Or that girl with him at the club?

Right, they're his sleeping partners, he doesn't love them.

I hope.

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