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This is gonna hurt...

Song suggestion| Itni si baat hai

Third person's POV:

"I wanted to ask you the same question," he said without fear, as Sir John's hold on his hair and on the gun at his forehead, tightened,

"do you want to live or die?"

Amusement was clear on Sir John's face. Sinking what Armaan had said in, Sir John put his next ploy into action,

"Bring the girl to me, Marcus"

The man who held Jiah captive moved towards Sir John with long, steady strides. Marcus kept Jiah at a small distance from Sir John, just enough to be targeted.

The gun in Sir John's hand changed direction from Armaan's forehead, to Jiah's stomach.

"Ready to lose all that you have?"

Armaan's narrowed eyes fell on Jiah's stomach and the gun held against it, as his lips trembled with words, "nooo, Sir John" he gulped, "Sir John, your enmity is with me, don't drag my child, wife.. my family into this" Armaan's eyes softened when he had an eyelock with Jiah, "you brang Ishita into our enmity, then why can't I bring Jiah?"

"Sir John please..." he pleaded,

"I beg for my wife and child's life, please, it's not their fault... none of this is."

The gun slowly set onto Armaan's forehead once again as he sat on the ground holding onto Sir John's legs for mercy, with Sir John still grasping his hair.

Armaan's closed eyes flicked open,

"someone has to die, if not her, then you"

he closed his eyes once again. "Unless.. you hand over the evidence" Sir John offered.

"Never" Armaan whispered now clasping the metallic guns barrel.

Just then Jiah's water broke and she yelped in pain, "Jiaahh!!" she slowly fell to the ground as she couldn't tolerate the pain.

Sir John laughed his evil laugh as Armaan tried reaching for Jiah. The gun once again changed direction to Jiah's stomach.

A shot was fired.

But it wasn't fired at Jiah. Yes, the trigger was pulled for Jiah, but the bullet pierced through Armaan's skin.

"Made it easier didn't you? One arrow, 2 targets. Rob, tell the men to search the whole office and when you have found what we came for, you know where you need to be. Come sweetheart"

Sir John walked out of the cabin and into the elevator, hand-in-hand with Ishita who gave Armaan and Jiah a sympathetic look. A genuine, sympathetic look. His men got busy looking for the evidence whilst Armaan slid himself to where Jiah lay crying in pain.

He cradled her cheek with his bloodied hands, "you're gonna be alright, I promise" he closed his eyes as the bullet dug deeper through his wound, "I know I will be, as long as you're breathing."

The couple interwined their fingers and Armaan placed a feather light kiss on Jiah's hand letting out the tears he had held on to because now he knew all won't be alright.

"Promise me, you'll fight. Look after Jahaan, and... and love me, miss me,  you won't forget me, promise?"

"I-I pr-omise" Jiah managed to say, "but you promise me you'll live, for the sake of me, for the sake of Jahaan?" she wept into his once pure white shirt.

"I promise"

and the couple slowly fell into darkness as sirens rang out.


Her eyes slowly fluttered open as she found herself lying on an uncomfortable bed, gazing up at the ceiling.

Her eyes adjusted to the lighting and she looked around to find she was in a hospital room. She tried to locate any human but failed to do so, so she got up from the bed and tore the IV drip from her skin.

She shifted towards the door in the hospital gown she was dressed in. She ran as fast as she could to the reception of the ward, "m-y.. my- hu-sband? son?" she fought hard to create a complete sentence and gulped not wanting to know.

"I have a good news, and a bad"

the women behind the counter said.

"Te-ll me.."

"Congratulations, your baby boy is live, healthy and kicking. He is in the nursery at the moment being cleaned up. The had to perform a cesarean, since you were in no state to give birth to the baby yourself. That would explain the pain in your lower stomach."

the woman finished as Jiah placed her hand over her stomach  and looked at it.

It looked normal to her, but it sure did hurt.

Jiah once again faced the woman and questioned, "my husb-and?"

"I'm extremely sorry miss." the woman in her late 40's bowed her head.

"Wh-aat happ-ened?" Jiah stuttered  as the woman shook her head.

"Your husband.. he.."she paused for a second before continuing,

"your husband, he.. he fought for two whole hours in the ICU after the bullet was removed, but by what the doctors' have told me... I'm sorry.. he is no more."

Jiah let out a laugh as tears threatened to spill, "you're joking right?" she asked the woman, "I kno-w yo-u're jok-ing."

Her laughter turned into tears as she continued muttering words and slid down the counter, "Miss, please be careful."

"He promised"


Hindi Dictionary:
I know it's an emotional chapter..


Look, guys I'm sorry. But try and think of a positive, he could still be alive, right?

What do you think?

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