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Song suggestion| Main Rahoon ya na rahoon

Armaan's POV:

The text I read last night, reintroduced me to my reality, Time's ticking it said and I can hear the sound of a clock ticking.

But I can't let anyone know of what fear is consuming me. I thought I got up early today, at almost 6, but much to my dimay, my bed was empty, with only me lying there, hugging a pillow.

Knock knock

"Come in" I say as I struggle sitting up in bed.

I see a familiar figure walk in, the figure of one of the very few people I love the most in this humongous world.

My mum.

"Ma? You, here so early? Where's Jiah?" I throw my questions at her absentmindedly as she smacks her palm on her forehead at my childish ways with her freehand as her other hand was holding a mug.

"I got you this" she handed me me a cup of hot cocoa, just the way I liked it and sat down infront of me on my side of the bed, as I leaned back on the door frame.

"You'll never stop treating me like a kid will you, ma?"

She pulls my ears and says in the most motherly way possible, something that could melt even a stone statues' heart, "a child is always a child for their parents, no matter how old they are."

She continues, as she chokes back tears, "you'll realise this the day your children grow up and stand infront of you," she finishes caressing my cheek as I lean into her touch.

"What if I won't be around then?" I ask out of the blue and catch her at the weakest emotional point possible for a mother, "what do you mean?"

"I was just joking, ma, you take things so seriously" I explain planting a soft kiss on her forehead.

She wipes her tears and taunts, "you forgot your ma and now you forgot your wife?"


Now I'm confused.

What does she mean?

"Ma, I never for once forgot you, you were my first crush as a child and you think I'll forget you for my wife?"

"Yeah, yeah, butter me up all you want, but you should be sucking upto your wife at the moment rather than me."

"Why is that so?"

"Seriously? Did you forget your own marriage anniversary? I wouldn't be shocked if Jiah kicked you out of the house."



"What? Marriage anniversary? One year? No, no way ma, I'm not going to fall for this trick."

"You're such a Typical Husband Armaan, just like your dad. He'd forget our marriage anniversary every year-"

"I still do, but you're always there to remind me of my greatest achievement in my lifetime, making you mine" dad walks in and exchanges a loving look with ma, before she blushes a shade of pink.

"As much as I'd like to hear about you're romance, I just wanna say, it's my marriage anniversary, not yours' lovebirds" I joke as they side embrace eachother, standing up.

"Well, that's how you came into this world, my love, and I'm pretty sure, that's how your child will come into this world too" he comments as-a-matter-of-factly, as ma hides her face in the crook of his neck.

"Gross dad. Remind me never to question you about myself again" I eek.

"Well, that's the truth. Besides, why would you need to ask me about anything about yourself, you're already a spitting image of me when I was younger, but the only thing is, I'll always look better now than you, when you're my age" he mocked in his kidish form.

1. My parents need to grow up
2. They need to get a room
3. Where's Jiah?

"Where's Jiah?" I ask the so-in-love-newly-weds, aka. my parents.

"Well, you couldn't play you're part of being a husband, so she's out doing that for you" dad answers still lost in ma's eyes.

Not his fault, she is the epitome of beauty, my words, not his.

"Yeah dad, we'll deal with a lecture once you leave my room so I could arrange things for our very first marriage anniversary" I say pushing them out.

Once at the door, my dad questions, "want some help? You know I'm an expert in impressing women" he winks at ma as she blushes further making me wanting to puke.

Overload of parent romance.

"I'd rather die" I state, closing the door quickly before he could say anything, but I regret the words as soon as I say them.

"Suit yourself" I hear dad shrug from the other side of the door.

After the soft sound of footsteps and giggling moving away from me, I was enveloped in silence.

Die? Death?

Get it out of your system Armaan!!

This is not the right place and certainly not the right time.


As soon as I gather myself, I set out on arranging everything for Jiah and myself.

"Hey, Mike, could I get a..."

I had called up some of my staff to arrange everything and had ordered all that I needed myself.

Tonight was surely going to be a night worth remembering.

Hindi dictionary:
Hey people, I update a lot less, I know, but from today on, one chapter a day because I'm yearning to see the day when this book would reach numero uno position.

That's my lifelong dream and it won't be complete without all of you.

Please show me your love and kindness, by voting and especially commenting because it really helps me..

I've worked really hard and I just wanna say, heads up, this book is gonna be some 100 chapters long.

I've crossed many milestones on this journey and the only reason I deleted all traces of my other books was that this was my first ever published book, and I wanna give it my all..

So please, if you like it, vote and comment!!

Love you all and thank you so, so, so, much!!

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