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Awkward chapter.


WARNING: the contents in this chapter, are highly mature and should be read by people 13+.

DISCLAIMER: No criticising, I'm new to such writing so excuse me. If this causes any wrong thoughts/acts, I am not to blame as it was your personal choice to read on.

Now with that wrapped up, if you're still alive, enjoy the chapter. 😊

Song suggestion|Dekha Hazaro Dafa

Jiah's POV:

He kisses my forehead, "are you okay?" he asks me and I nod in positive, "I'm a bit scared, but I'm fine. They won't come back will they?" I gulped at the thought.

He shakes his head, "not as long as I'm alive" he says and we get caught in the moment, and the most unexpected thing happens, he kisses me.

I move my lips against him.

This one kiss has filled in all the voids, all the times I missed him, has mended whatever happened in between us, or so I hope.

He slowly starts leaving a trail of butterfly kisses down my neck, but stops as he nears the seam of my off-shoulder top.

He looks at me for permission. It seems as though he doesn't think I'll approve, but I want him to "continue" I say and a smirk pulls on his lips.

He goes back to his sweet torture that I could call a heavenly feeling.

Mr. Husband takes both my hands in his and entangles our fingers together, placing them above my head, and pressing them hard against the surface of the bed.

"You sure you want this?"

He asks. To say I'm surprised at his question would be an understatement. Did he just ask for my opinion?

Just then, a thought crosses my mind.

"But what about the contract?"

This would be a breach of all the clauses he had stated. He's going against his own wish list, but why?

He gets up from the bed, and I can feel all my hopes sinking down to the deepest part of the ocean.

What's he doing?

He opens one of the drawers on the side of the bed and takes out the red contract file and takes the lighter on top of the drawer, (which is used to light candles), to set fire to the file.

As the red file turns black, with flames all around it, Armaan throws it in the bin by the side of the door,

"and that's an end to that"


"So no more contract?" I try and clarify still puzzled because of his acts whilst he simply walks over to me and climbs up the bed, close enough that I can feel his minty fresh breath fanning over my face.

"Actually, you need to make another deal with me"

Noooo!! For a moment, I thought maybe, just maybe, we'll be normal, but no, here comes another obstacle my way, another contract!!

"You need to promise me, that you'll always love me no matter what I become or where I go and of course, you'll fulfil your wifely duties"

I blush at the thought but what he said next makes me blush harder.

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