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Song suggestion| Ishq Bulaava

Two weeks later:
Armaan's POV:

I rub my palms together for warmth as I enter my law firm. It as usual was extremely early, so the office was empty.

I took the lift to my floor and settled in my chair, turning the heater on with the remote control before I lost myself in my valley of thoughts.

Should I listen to him?

What will I say to her?

Will I hurt her by taking this step?

For the first time I was feeling vulnerable because I had a weakness. I can't do this to her, but this time, there's no way out of it.

I run my hands through my hair as my thoughts processed. I was getting engaged today, and in less than one week, she'll be mine, but will I be able to become hers?


Time passed by at its normal pace as I rushed to finish off meetings with different clients, for different cases. By lunch, I was done.

The rest of the day I spent on gathering all the split ends for Sir John's case.

It's all coming together, I'm so close to exposing his real persona over his supposed image.

It was time for the reveal.


I walked up the snow covered asphalt with a warm overcoat on top of my suit.

I had decided to go classy and kept the theme for the engagement as western, as my friends, this isn't India, it's Canada.

A week back, Jiah and her family came to Canada to start the wedding preparations as it was decided that the wedding will be held here itself.

Ever since she returned, Jiah has been trying to make amends for what she had done, as she gelt extremely guilty for hurting and embarrassing everyone, asking for forgiveness that they approved a long time back.

No matter how hard she tries, she's always going to be a softie at heart.

Entering through the doorway, I rubbed my shoes on the mat to dry it all up before taking my overcoat off and placing it on the rack.

I walk into the engagement hall we had booked. The place was beautigul and I could see every ounce of love my mummy had put into the arrangements.

Love you. 😙

A lot of people wearing either dresses or suits were gathered here to celebrate this joyous occasion.

I joined in a conversation, barely contributing, as I was only focusing on searching for her.

But she wasn't here.

I'm hoping that she didn't do what she had done last time. Please don't let me down Jiah.

Much to my relief, Jiah walked in wearing a beautiful red net dress which complimented my tie perfectly.

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