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Now before you read this chapter where two souls become one, I'd like to acknowledge the fact that we have reached the 50th chapter..


So I'd like to thank all those amazing people who have joined me on this journey. Yes, this journey is still looking for its destination.

Don't worry, there'll be some 50 more chapters of  Aashiqui and it'll be one you didn't expect.

Most books don't last that long, but this book is quite long so bare with me.

Before you criticise that I'm dragging this book, I just want to say, I'm not dragging it, I'm prepping it for the ending.

Like the ending has already been decided, but it's not going to be an easy way towards it.

Now a special mention to some of my most loyal readers and dearest friends whether near or far although we have lost some on the way, they were still there.


Now these are not in any kind of order whatsoever... So thank you to all the people should got me here with over 400 votes. I still can't believe we've come this far.

And also to all the silent readers,I'm not meant to acknowledge you, or give you any credit as you guys didn't bother voting but still thanks for getting me to nearly 1.05k views. And in the future, acknowledge my work so I can acknowledge you.

Congratulations to all those that survived my 250 words of an essay stating a thank you.

Now don't start counting and start reading.

Song suggestion|Tere Dware Pe Ayi Baraat

Third person's POV:

The clock was ticking and each passing second was like danger to the pair.

On one side, Armaan was walking back and forth as he tried to calm the guilt in him for cheating on Jiah, even though he was unable to do anything about it.

On the other hand, Jiah was trying to get herself to look eye to eye in the mirror with herself. She felt that if she stepped back this time, her family would have to be embarrassed once again, because of her.

She had somehow gotten over all that went down with Ishita, even though Armaan hadn't tried to explain, she knew he did what she wasn't expecting, last night.

She loved him, she chose him, out of all the others, but the only question she had in mind was 'was it the wisest decision?'

No longer knowing jow to control her emotions, Jiah decided to take a shower, because we all know, there are only two things we can do to acquire peace; either pray, or take a shower, since this is when you are in complete solitude and think about everything, with no time limits.

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