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Hey guys, we're back on the leaderboard and making some good progress too..!!

Song suggestion|Mere Rashqe Qamar

Jiah's POV:


What did he mean by 'ok, then, let's make a deal?'

His jet black eyes collided with my chocolate brown ones.

He left the room and rerurned a minute or so later and handed me a document.

I looked down at the document go read the words 'DEAL OF MARRIAGE'.

I glance to meet his eyes, but he seemed to be ignoring me, "what's this?" I interrogate, my words merely a whisper.

"Sign it!" he says gritting his teeth and yet again avoiding any eye contact,

"I won't sign it until you tell me what this is all about" this time I made sure he heard me as my anger knew no bounds.

"You can read it you know, the reason your parents provided you education. Sometimes one should use their brain."

Ouch. That hurt.

This wasn't the Armaan I had fallen in love with, is this truly him, or the person I knew the real version?

I voiced my thoughts, "lucky for you, I can read, and I have read the words DEAL OF MARRIAGE. Yeah I can read it myself, but I want to hear it from you."

He sighs under his breath, "fine" he takes the document from my palms and holds it in his, analysing the pieces of paper before fixing his gaze on me,

"this, my dear cheescake, is a contract in which it clearly states that we will be the ideal image of a husband and wife in front of others, but in between us, we will mantain no relation."

To say I was shocked would be an understatement.

"Tell me I did not just hear what I thought I did. If this is what you wanted, then why did you marry me in the first place? You were the one that came after me, not vice versa you know?"

For a second I swear I saw a spark of emotion for a moment at the word 'marriage' in his eyes, but what, I couldn't put my finger on.

"That was then, this is now, and if you don't pay heed to me, and don't sign this contract, I'll divorce you" the words were easily out of his mouth.


He nodded his head in confirmation.

No matter how bad this relation might get, I'll never get divorced to him, because no matter what, I'll still love him.

My hands forward and take the documents in posession before asking for a pen, which he takes out from a drawer nearby and hands it to me.

I sit down on the couch. As the nib of the pen is about to touch the paper, curiosity bubbles up inside me so I ask,

"what are the conditions that come with it?"

"You mean clauses right?" I nod.

Ugh, him and his law stuff!

"Well the clauses are basically as follows" he sits down beside me on the couch as he flips through the pages of the document.

"Here we go" and he starts reading them out loud.

"1. In front of others we will behave and act in a way that any normal couple would.
2. You and I will stay in separate rooms.
3. We will share no physical contact or intimacy.
4. In private, we will mantain no relation as such that will indicate our bond.
5. You will not question anything I do.
6. You will do as I say.
7. This contract will last as long as the marriage does.
8. In case you fall pregnant, I will bare no responsibility of you or the child.
9. I am allowed to be in physical relationships with other women to satisfy my needs.
10. You are not allowed to be in any relationship whatsoever with another man, other than your husband."

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