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Guests are back!!

And so are the KHANNA'S!!

Song suggestion|Zaroori Tha

Jiah's POV:

Here we go!!

The day started off just as any other until guests started filling the place. Yes, we're finally getting married.

Apparently, according to my mummy, Armaan's parents arrived earlier this morning, around four-five.

But I haven't really received a lot of information as everyone is running from place to place getting everything ready.

Tonight is the engagement before the wedding festivities take over. I'm so happy that I'm finally getting married to Armaan.


The day passed by quickly and it was well past noon. My mummy was still busy telling people what to do whilst my papa was calling some random numbers.

Or so I thought.

Everyone was busy in their own work. Even Sehaj and Anjali.

I was left alone in my room. Earlier today, Anjali had told me that Simran di was back.

I can't wait to see her!!

She had settled well into her married life back home in Melbourne and was two months pregnant.

We had heard a bit about her, but not much. She had remained out of contact with me as we barely talked 1-2 times in these three months.


I sat at the vanity glancing at myself. I looked unilke me with my unruly curly hair straightened reaching past my hips, a shimmer in my eyes and a smile on my face.

I was adorned with a diamond choker and a angel-like silvery lehenga as I sat in my room.

I heard a knock at the door and authorised the person to make their way in.

The person stood in front of me.


Armaan's POV:

Happiness was in the air as I waited for my lifeline to join me on the stage.

As I waited, I saw Sehaj come onto the stage and whisper something in Anjali's ears showing her a piece of crumpled paper.

Looking at the two sisters exchange a worried look, my heart started sinking as I closed the distance between us taking the piece of paper out of Anjali's hands only to be shocked.


To my family members and everyone else who has ever been a part of my life, I am leaving.

No, this is not a joke and I'm not a runaway bride who has escaped with her lover, but I'm a girl who is broken and is running away from betrayal.

I know this action of mine will hurt many, and that is something I'm scared of, but this is something I had to do, for myself.

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