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We're finally here!!

This is truly going to be one long chapter..

Song suggestion|Tu Hi Tu

Jiah's POV:

I sat with the basket in my hand shuffling through the letters, I decided that I can deal with the painful letters later and decided to read my parents' letters.



To the awesomest daughter I could wish for,
the day you came into my life was one of the best. That day, I was a changed man, and for once, I was complete since I had become a dad.

It was a very magical moment when I held you in my arms and you held onto my thumb. Slowly, you started to grow up, where you used to hold my thumb, you now held my hand and walked by my side.

Now, you are a beautiful young woman, and honestly, I see your mum in you. You have the same elegance, the same nature, as your mum.

But the day I'll truly be proud of you is the day you leave my hand and hold that special young man's hand.

That day, my princess will become someone else's.

Even though your prince will be there with you, always remember your King dad will always love you.

And as for the prince, I hope it's Armaan.

He's a very good boy my love.

Your King


Tears rolled down my cheeks as the words registered in my brain. 'I'll always love you dad' I thought to myself clenching the letter to my heart as a fresh set of tears rolled down.

I then folded the letter up and put it aside before moving onto mum's.



Dear Jiah, I saw my angel the day you called me mum. You made me who I am today that day and I'm very proud of it.

It is said that a mum always has a special spot for her first born, and you will always be in that spot.

I know your childhood was tough, I know you're angry, but that doesn't mean you remain angry and bid adieu to us.

You can't leave. You have your whole life ahead of you my daughter.

Now, I want to give you some motherly advice. I always fought with your dad as he never gave any time to us, but I stayed with him and supported him. You know why? Cause I loved him.

Sweety, love is very powerful, it wins over every odd, it's just thaf you've got to understand it.

I can't see your dad in Armaan, Armaan is a lovely boy and will keep you happy, that's all I'm going to say, the rest is in your hands.

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