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Thanks a million guys cause I've only updated 3 chapters since my comeback and you have made it felt with Aashiqui once again making a comeback on the ranking ladder.

Thank you so much.

WARNING/ DISCLAIMER: Please keep a tissue box close by.

Song suggestion| Kho Gaye Hum Kahan

Third person's POV:

Jiah once again opened her eyes in the same room she had been in. The only difference was that she was not alone.

Her whole family occupied the room. The girls were crying on the shoulders of Raj, Rohit and Jimmy, and the women sat on two chairs holding onto a baby.

Jiah could see that her mum was trying to hide her tears, but her blood red eyes were not hidden. Armaan's dad sat next to his mum on another chair, whilst her papa was crouching low on his feet to console her shocked mum.

As Jiah tried to sit up in bed, Simran realizing Jiah is awake, rushed to help her.

As Simran did that, everyone else came to their senses,  and wiped their tears of. Both mums' got up from their seats next to eachother, and headed towards Jiah's bed with their husbands' following them.

Armaan's mum was about to hand over the baby to Jiah when she spoke up, "I wa-ant to see Ar-maan" she croaked.

The two women looked at eachother as everyone else let tears fall from their eyes. Jiah's mum broke the never ending silence, "beta.. I-I don't know ho-w to break this t-o you, bu-t.." she trailed of, "but, my son, and your husband, is no more" Armaan's mum concluded, as both women sobbed remembering Armaan.

Simran put a hand over Jiah's shoulder and squeezed ever so lightly. Tears fell from her eyes as she once again spoke, "I-I want to see him. Now." she said in a low voice.


Jiah now stood outside the morgue with only the girls there for support, as everyone else would not have been able to handle it.

A cop moved towards Jiah and began speaking, "Miss, if you could give your-"  Jiah showed him a hand indicating him to stop in his tracks.

Jiah moved to the stretcher in the middle of the room where her beloved lay. She encircled her hands in his hair and held onto his hand relishing his feel one last time. Tears fell from her eyes and slowly grazed his skin.

"You-you promised.. how could you do this to me?" she said anger and disappointment evident in her voice.

"How could you?" she repeated slapping his chest until she finally bent down to the level and hugged his bare chest.

"You broke your promise Armaan.. and I too will.." she thought for a moment, "I will fulfill mine. I will always love you, miss you and... never forget you" more tears fell out of her eyes.

"You better not fall for another girl until I join you" she lightly punched his chest and then her eyes fell upon the scar the bullet had left. She traced it and all the scars which decorated Armaan's corpse,

"I'll get us justice.. I'll get our revenge" she murmured softly with an anger filled tone.

She placed a small kiss on Armaan's cheeks, forehead and lastly his ice cold lips, "I love you".


The cop had come and taken her statement in which she truthfully recounted the happenings of that vicious incident.

After the cop left, so did Jiah's family without speaking a word. Armaan's mum placed Jiah's son in her hands and left the room sobbing.

Jiah for the first time held her son in her hands and there were no limits to both her happiness and sadness.

She cried hugging her child close and covered his face with wet butterfly kisses,

"you know, if your papa was here, he would have been so happy to hold you in his arms, love and cherish you. We won't ever be a complete family, it will be just you and me, but you need to remember that your papa loves you far greater than your mama."

She once again kissed his forehead and wiped her tears as a knock came from the door.

"Come in" Jiah said trying to make herself look presentable and not a zombie.

A nurse walked in with a clipboard and pen in her hands.

"Good morning miss.." she said.

She looked up from her clipboard and spoke, "it's you again miss?"

Jiah was left confused, "do I know you?"

The nurse in her mid 20's shook her head, "no miss, you don't know me, and I don't know you, but I was a nurse in both of your operations" she gave a warm smile.

Jiah was starting to understand but was still confused, "both?" she questioned and the nurse nodded.

"I meant, since we were experiencing a shortage of staff today, nurses had to double up so I was in both your caserean and your husband's operation."

Jiah's eyes once again filled with water, "he was a strong man. I'm sorry for your loss. But I wanted to tell you a very interesting thing."

Jiah looked up at her as she continued,

"your husband breathed his last in the same minute as your son breathed his first" she said sweetly.

Jiah looked at her son with love and affection, tears in her eyes until the nurse spoke again, "sorry, I know this isn't the right moment, but I needed you to answer a few questions for your son's birth certificate"

Jiah nodded, "child's fathers name?"

"Armaan Khanna" Jiah answered.

"Mother's name?"

Jiah answered with her name.

"Child's name?"

Jiah looked at her son and remembered Armaan's words. She then confidently turned towards the nurse,

"Jahaan Armaan Khanna."


Hindi dictionary:
Beta: son; in this case child.
Yup, I'm sorry. Don't kill me.

Armaan is officially no more and Jiah's only reason to live is Jahaan.

While writing this chapter, tears fell from my eyes automatically.

I hope this made you feel the same. There's another 3-4 chapters to go. And then, we will bid goodbye to eachother.

Let me know your thoughts, feelings, emotions in the comment box below. And by the way, if any of you were wondering, this was the original climax and idea I had started off with.

See you guys soon my lovelies.. 😇😙

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