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Did this confuse you?


What do you mean by 'THE ACCIDENT'?

Well the chapter will explain better than I do so..

Song suggestion|Saiyaara

Jiah's POV:

I stood there with shock evident in my facial expressions. He won't do this, he just can't!

The scene in front of me could've left anyone's mouth open.

Sehaj neared Armaan slowly, he seemed hesitant at first but eventually gave in.

How could you?

How could you do this to me?

Why would you?


Their lips inched closer as my heartbeat quickened. He claimed he loved me, yet here he was being intimate with my younger cousin.

I expected more from him.

I guess I had my expectations too high..

Seeing them so close was impossible for me, so I turned to leave when I heard my name in his voice "Jiah!!"

My eyes closed hearing my name from a person I thought loved me, but that very person had betrayed me, so I felt nothing other than hatred.

My eyelashes became wet with my not yet dispersed tears, and when I opened my eyes to hear footsteps closing in, a lone tear escaped my eye.

I turn around as he paced towards me.

My tears threatened to fall once again, and I could no longer hold them in. I had dreamt of a life with him..

"Jiah, I" he said running his hand through his dark hair "I... I can explain"

"Keep your explanation to yourself" my lips stammered through my sobs, as I pushed him back.

"I trusted you, I loved you, I had dreamt to be with you, but all you could manage to do in return is this"

I clapped sarcastically, acknowledging his acting.

He is such a awesome actor.

But I know better than to fall for him.. again.

Rage filled his eyes as he held me from my shoulders and I winced in pain in his arms.

I had decided make his arms my heaven, my home, but it was no more than hell to me now.

"Would you listen to me?" he shouted gritting his teeth.

"The answer is NO!!" I matched the level of his voice as I squirmed out of his tight hold and left wiping my tears.

I was on the verge of my anger and I couldn't tolerate him anymore.

I grabbed a nearby whiskey bottle and got into the first car I saw.

Didn't Anjali tell me, his favorite car was a Mercedes?


Why is everything related to him?


Armaan's POV:

I can't believe she refused to hear me out. It isn't what she thought. Me and Sehaj have nothing in between us.

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